Top 5 Agitating Noises in Costa Rica, Plus Some Tunes to Turn Up
#1: music on the beach – yes various groups like for you to enjoy their playlist. Maybe sometimes you’re in that mood, but you’ll have to find less populated, remote beaches to have tranquility.
#2: undiscipline dogs on the beach that bark nonstop – yes, people don’t have a clue how obnoxious their little buddy is to all those around them. If you can’t control them, don’t bring them.
#3: screaming motorcycles – we covered this in November’s edition, click here.
#4: honking at the taxi driver who stops suddenly – I’m guilty myself.
#5: way too intoxicated hecklers at the local bar – you know the type…they don’t care and will be loud and obnoxious no matter what. Especially if it’s early in the evening and you’re trying to enjoy a meal or football game. Do you friend a favor and take them home.
#1: waves crashing on the beach
#2: sound of birds, howler monkeys
#3: the powerful sound of the waterfalls
#4: hearing “gracias” and “buen dia para ti”
#5: people having a good time