
My dear fellow entrepreneurs, I will begin this month’s article with this mantra: “I am still standing!”

Repeat this mantra any time you conquer a situation that was challenging for you. 

Many global concerns have demanded our attention from the beginning of this year. The most popular topics: increased COVID-19 case numbers, controversy about vaccines and the different modalities countries have adopted for vaccinating populations, crazy political situations worldwide, and more. I could continue, but would rather not. 

Sometimes I choose to ignore significant external problems that I can’t fix, so I can focus on my own issues. We must be selective and realistic, because we need to deal with many situations close to home. If you run a business, you want to feel productive and practical at the end of the day, which means you are earning your income — money. 

So, let’s focus this month on resetting our mindset to feel productive, energetic and positive. I want to help you to grow and to feel fulfilled. No matter what your objectives, I will help you reprogram yourself to manage situations and emotions and repeat the mantra: “I am still standing!”

Here is the approach I recommend.


  • Detox

    This time, the detox is not about food; it is about emotions. It is about cleaning your mind — sweeping away problems that are not yours, leaving out duties that are not your responsibility and washing away the external stress and anxiety. Let me give you a few tactics you can use to detox bad external vibes.
  • Prioritize your emotions. Every morning ask yourself: How am I? Write on a piece of paper or in your mind how you feel and why you are feeling that way.

If you are feeling happy, search for the reason you have that wonderful feeling and enjoy it. If you are feeling anxious, search for why you feel unfocused, stuck or nervous. 

Whatever the reason is, make a plan to fix it. I am sure that once you identify the reason for feeling that way, you will feel some weight lift off your shoulders. This leads me to the following tactic.


  • Focus on what you want to accomplish today. Every day is a new adventure, challenging or not.

    We, as business owners, have many responsibilities: make your clients happy, resolve problems, keep up the business fuel and make money, among others. Every day make a plan: priorities, everyday actions, and following action plans. It is essential that you feel productive.

This detox step is about to make your emotions circulate and get the groove back any time some bad feeling wants to keep you frustrated. Plan to delete fear, anxiety and other negative feelings. Replace them with compassion, gratitude, positiveness, love, and joy. 


  • Stay mentally healthyAfter a good detox, make a plan to stay mentally healthy. Let me refresh some of my favorite actions.
  • Be enthusiastic. Always add exclamations to great new ideas, good results, positive attitudes around you and what you do. Positive feedback encourages and supports your mindset. Have compassion for yourself. You are human, and you can make mistakes. Communicate with others like you. You are not alone in this world; people like you would like to share and express their thoughts. It will give you accountability. Take care of yourself. Move your body, hydrate, eat as healthy as possible, sleep, and recreate. Your physical health affects your mental health. 

You can contact me anytime, whenever you need to kill those bad vibes. I love to see people get their groove back and keep standing.

I am still standing! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

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