
The marketing industry has experienced a whirlwind of changes over the years. The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact, on gatherings and mobility have compelled businesses to adjust to a mobile world.

Thankfully, more and more digital tools are becoming widely available, and all can unlock your social media game for 2023. Whether it is a VPN for PC or an AI social media post generator, you have all the tools at your disposal to get started on leveling up your social media game.

This rapid transition to the realm spurred by the pandemic has led to intensified competition, in social media marketing. This article has the best social media hacks to help your business stand out amidst the sea of competitors in 2023.

Take Advantage Of Reels

Today, the demand, for videos is insatiable. So it’s safe to say that by 2024, there will be a demand for video advertisements.

Videos are known to be highly effective at driving conversions. For example, Facebook prioritizes videos shared directly on its platform over other types of content. These native videos on Facebook achieve an 86% reach compared to other forms of content, including YouTube videos shared on the platform.

Furthermore, videos shared on Facebook generate more engagement in the form of comments and shares than any other type of content posted there. Similar trends can be seen on platforms like Instagram, where video content is also given priority over other types of content.

To ensure your brand performs well in the media, it’s crucial to give emphasis to video content. Now the question arises; What types of videos should you share on social media?

There are options when it comes to posting videos on your social media pages. Here are a few ideas;

  • Explainer videos
  • Tutorial videos
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses, into your brand
  • Product information videos
  • User-generated video

Automate Your Platforms

Sometimes promoting your brand online can feel like a lot for small businesses without a dedicated social media team. It may seem like you’re spending all your time on media, crafting posts, coming up with captions for videos and images, engaging with followers, and more.

To enhance the effectiveness of your social media efforts, consider automating aspects of your social media activity by utilizing some of the top-notch tools, for social media automation.

Social media automation provides the convenience of scheduling your social media posts so they are automatically published on your profiles at the designated times. For example, if you’re using Facebook as a marketing platform, you can create and schedule Facebook posts in advance, ensuring they are published at the appropriate times.

By automating your social media activity, you can save time. Direct your focus towards other crucial aspects of your business. However, it’s important to note that, with social media automation, occasional check-ins are necessary to engage with your followers.

Setup Chatbots

If you don’t have a team that handles your pages, it can be challenging to respond promptly to all the inquiries from your audience on social platforms. Even if you do have a team, it can still be difficult, especially if your business caters to an audience across time zones.

This issue arises because customers expect quick responses to their questions and concerns. They don’t want to wait for your reply. If you take more than a few minutes to respond, they’ll quickly seek answers from your competitors.

Instead of losing out on sales opportunities due to the absence of a dedicated social media team, one effective solution is utilizing chatbots. These bots can help capture leads. Integrate them into your sales funnel, ensuring that no valuable prospects slip through the cracks.

Know The Best Time To Post

When you share content on social media, it’s important to make every post count. One effective strategy is to determine when your target audience is most active online. By posting during those time slots, you increase the likelihood of reaching people and engaging them with your content.

Understanding the demographics that are active at different times can be a challenging task. However, conducting research can be beneficial in identifying the posting times for each platform.

It has been found that the best times to post on social media are between 6pm and 9pm well, as 12pm and 3pm. Nonetheless, it’s essential to remember that these are recommendations and may not always apply in every situation.

Here are the best times to post, platform-wise:

For Facebook:

On weekdays, it is recommended to post between 1 pm and 4 pm.
During weekends, the best time to post is from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.It’s advisable to avoid posting on Facebook between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m., as this period generally experiences engagement.

For Instagram:

On weekdays, the ideal time slots for posting are from 6 am to 9 am, then again from 12 pm to 2 pm, and finally from 5 pm to 6 pm.
During weekends (Saturday and Sunday), it’s recommended to post between 9 am and 2 pmIt’s advised not to choose the slot of 3 pm to 4 pm when posting on Instagram.

For LinkedIn

From Tuesdays through Thursdays, the recommended time slots for posting are as follows 7:30 am to 8:30 am, 10 am to 12 pm, and 5 pm to 6 pm.

Market Your Business Effectively

Social media trends are ever-changing. What may have been effective for you in the past might not be as helpful in the future. It’s wise to anticipate and adapt to the changes that will occur every year. Simply make adjustments to your social media strategy to leverage these tactics and maintain an edge, over your rivals.

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