John Quam Editor in Chief Howler Magazine Costa Rica

April is Earth Month… Enjoy where you live and take care of your environment. Don’t forget, we are the stewards of the Earth. That being said, we are once again preparing for the influx of visitors to our pristine beaches for Semana Santa. Go out and meet them, and get their names and addresses so we can then return their items (trash) they leave behind to their homes. Or, if the address happens to be 10 meters from their Momma’s house drop it off there, as she probably won’t mind cleaning up after them due to their lack of training. This problem is faced every year. The mounds of trash are staggering. Much of this waste gets washed out to sea with the high tides, contributing to huge problems with the ecosystem and further stressing animals that are already struggling to survive. Plastics are a big problem here. It’s not that difficult to pick up and place objects of discard into proper receptacles or areas that can be picked up easily by the Municipality. We wouldn’t completely disrespect their homes by throwing our trash in their yards. Don’t do it in ours. “Your Mama is not here to clean up after you.” Enough said!!

Moving into Costa Rica’s pure beauty, we are highlighting a few animal sanctuaries this month. Costa Rica has a wide and diverse population of wildlife: birds by the thousands, monkeys, sloths, jaguars, coatimundi and reptiles, far too many creatures to mention. The nature that we are surrounded with makes this place magical.

Along with our invasion of our animal neighbors’ homes come issues that cause plights for many creatures. We extend a big thanks to the many people in this country that have tirelessly devoted their lives to helping animals in need. Some of the animals can be rehabilitated and returned to the wild, and many cannot.

Driving cautiously is something that we can all do to not add to the problems. Be aware and respectful of your surroundings. Pura Vida. What’s the Big Rush?? Be alert. If you see an animal in distress, there are many agencies and groups that are more than willing to help. Veterinarians in the community are the first line and the sanctuaries and rescue centers will always help. These groups are angels in our communities and need our support.

We also have many human charities that are so important. One of the big events in April is the Robert August Surf and Turf which supports CEPIA, a local charity dedicated to directly helping the underprivileged in our community. Robert August is passionate about giving back and is a driving force to the success of this event. He has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through his events and has made it possible for CEPIA to have huge impacts on the lives touched. Get out… Golf and Surf… You don’t have to have any special skills to have fun. Let’s all get together and meet up for a great cause, and yet another reason to socialize and meet our neighbors.

Pablo Piccaso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Our community is blessed to have so many caring and giving people. Your positive impact is notable. Thank you.

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