
First time visitors to Costa Rica are typically mesmerized by the wonderful weather and magnificent climate throughout the country, varying from scattered showers and tropical heat to cool ocean breezes. Nonetheless, this perception changes drastically when you decide to stay for a long time, especially once you decide to build here. For your piece of paradise, it is very important to do a bit of homework on Costa Rican weather patterns, holidays  affecting labor availability, and other factors that can affect your plans.

For your piece of paradise,
it is very important to do
a bit of homework.

Doing this research will reveal there are two very distinct weather seasons. Rainy season, or “winter,” (“invierno” in Spanish) runs from May through November, and dry season — “summer” (“verano” in Spanish — from December through May. Both are described as radical in behavior: lots of rain during rainy season and no rain in dry season. You might automatically conclude that dry season would be best for any endeavor. In fact, while this time of year brings marvelous weather conditions for touring and enjoying Costa Rica, it may not be precisely the best for construction.

For any construction project, anywhere in the world, several aspects should be considered, not only related to weather but also efficiency of execution. To maintain costs under control, be sure to thoroughly analyze your timeline. When do you plan to start your project and why is that the best time?

Costa Rica is very diligent in the building permit process, so this timeline can be unpredictable and cause delayed start dates. In the excitement of starting a project, important factors may be overlooked. This can also contribute to delays and poor execution by builders, or by owners pushing the envelope with challenges that could have been avoided.

Whether you have a specific deadline for a business grand opening or completing a rental property or are simply eager to start enjoying your new home, it is vital to take into account these three key considerations:

  1. If possible, start building when dry season is clearly established. Even though technically it begins in November, the soil could still be too soft in some locations, making excavation or earth movement difficult.
  2. Be aware of labor law obligations in relation to Costa Rican holidays. Avoid starting close to the year-end holidays or prior to Holy Week (Semana Santa). Costa Rica is considered one of the happiest countries on the planet for a reason. People take these holidays very seriously to enjoy family time, as it should be.
  3. Make sure you have established a good relationship with your builder, and the team of experts who will be executing your project. They are vital to the success of your project and should guide you moving forward.

Most projects are difficult to conclude in the timeframe one season, be it dry or rainy. Planning and starting wisely will save you added costs, added delays and downtime.

See Force One website:

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