
We are bombarded from all angles with so much that affects our lives. How do we cope with the massive amounts of negativity that society is spewing?  

One way might be to unplug.

We are all victims of social media, the news media and more. Can we unplug and live our lives in a peaceful manner, blocking out negative media? 

Unfortunately, I am on social media quite often, and many times wish I could just leave it and let it churn on its own. Out of sight, out of mind. But staying on and being relevant, and in the public eye, is a necessary evil. 

I have talked with several people who have laid down their phones and their computers, just to take in the natural happenings of the day without undue influence from those devices. I see that  they are very happy and seem well adjusted. There are so many more benefits to escaping the negative media.

About a year ago I wrote an editorial about electronic devices causing a collapse in the traditional ways that culturally rich societies pass down their cultural heritage to the young. I referred to Costa Rican traditions that have been handed down for generations, and wondered, are they being lost to the electronic media?

We are coming out of the Covid era that’s lasted more than two years. And we could not even  be blessed with a moment of peace! Now the world has been thrust into a crisis of higher food and fuel costs. Some increases are being caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The impact on the world, both economically and psychologically, is causing lots of uncertainty. It’s distressing to watch the careless destruction and genocide of a society with no care for women and children. 

We haven’t even been allowed to rebound and have just a moment to realign our lives back to some sort of normality. 

Now … welcome to Costa Rica, often proclaimed to be the happiest country on earth. But you might not know this if you are reading the posts to many Facebook groups. On many occasions, I have viewed these social media post feeds and have seen such angry responses from people hiding behind their profile and attacking people for asking innocent questions. Sometimes it’s just a snide comment meant to bully.

Just review some of the nasty comments that angry “cyber bullies” actually take the time to post. It is disturbing to see that as acceptable. 

I feel bad for someone who is asking a question, and then gets beaten down. Welcome to a version of pura vida where you have to tiptoe through the minefield of commenters. 

I am all for free speech, and will always protect people’s right to say what they want and how they feel. But the useless attacks I’m referring to are just that — nasty and useless. You wonder if, after someone posts a nasty comment, does that make them feel better and bigger?

With Costa Rica being promoted as one of the world’s happiest countries, Facebook is not the right ambassador of pura vida

You can’t make everyone happy!

I was attacked on social media by someone hiding behind my own company logo. This person made defamatory comments but was not brave enough to give an actual name. My response is nothing. Let them wallow in their little septic mind. People can say things and try to bring you down. It is a useless waste of time responding to anyone making unqualified statements without  giving the whole picture of a situation. An unqualified comment is just that.

Living life and not worrying about what people think or say is refreshing. Knowing that you do your best and live life in a way not to hurt people is what I regard as a personal pura vida

With such turmoil in our world, do we have to stoop to a level and churn the pot? 

Creating peace and happiness is much more rewarding that beating someone down.

Remember that peace and happiness are not guaranteed; they are something we must seek and create.

Don’t be a rotten egg, stand out in the box and shine.

May 2022 Troop


Joanna Blanco. Integrative nutritional health coach who helps clients embrace wellness in five interconnected areas of life: relationships, livelihood, physical activity, spiritual awareness and diet.

Debbie Bride. Canadian continuing to create and communicate in Costa Rica.

Ivan Granados. Managing Partner at GM Attorneys, specializing in real estate and corporate law.

Johnny Lahoud. Owner/broker of Pura Vida Realty, Playa Grande. Lover of Costa Rica.

Laura Méndez. Founder of Pura Vida Vibrations. Offering sound journeys, breathwork experiences, cacao ceremonies & other activities.

Turner Mojica. Chief Marketing Officer/Senior Vice President of Howler Media Holdings as well as the Costa Rican Chamber of Culture, Fashion and the Arts and CR Fashion Week. He is an International management consultant who has worked with Oscar and Grammy nominated producers, award winning directors and celebrities.

Rick Philps. Canadian who practiced law in Victoria, BC before moving to Costa Rica in 1998. He has practiced law here for 17 years, having continued his education in civil law and notary and registry law. Offers legal due diligence seminars and consultations in the Gold Coast area for expats moving, or considering moving to Costa Rica. Contact or visit

Dr. Herbert Weinman. MD, MBA.



We are grateful to all of the talented visual artists who contributed to this special “Through the Lens” edition of Howler. These photographers featured on the next page, where you can access biographical and contact information, and view more of their work. 

Be sure also to visit their social media pages, where you can follow and share. When you do that, it’s a win-win for them, for Howler and for Costa Rica.

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