
Jair Pérez, National Mens Surf Champion Jacóbeño
Living His Faith And Dreams  (Spanish also)

Jair Pérez Quirós is the 2019 National Men’s Surf Champion in Costa Rica. He is from Playa Jacó and has spent all of his years in the growing beach town where he also learned to surf. 


Pérez recently started the Asociación Deportiva De Surf De Garabito (ADSG) as an organization focused on helping youth by teaching discipline with physical and spiritual training. Priority is given to those who lack many advantages that other young people enjoy, particularly financially. 


Jair also has been helping many people in the community affected by the pandemic by serving and delivering food. Being a Christian is what defines him first before any other roles he performs. We caught up with the champ recently to discover what motivates him and how he is living his faith and dreams. 


Describe a typical day in your life. What are some of the routines and disciplines you include every day? 


First thing I do after I wake up is make some coffee. Then I pray, read and meditate on what I read. If the waves are good I’ll go surf. If not I’ll do some housework or go watch the ocean. Even if I don’t surf, I love to see the ocean. 


Recently you began the Asociación Deportiva de Surf de Garabito. Describe the work you do with the kids and why you feel a connection with them. 


I started the Asociación Deportiva De Surf  De Garabito with the vision of helping kids in the community to have tools for their lives and also to guide them. It’s important for them to know that life is much more than sports, money or fame. I teach them about who Jesus is and why it is important to have God in our lives.  


I love to work with youth who have a desire to be helped because many years ago I was one of them. I grew up in the streets of Jacó. I always had people on my journey who did the same for me, so now it is my time to give back. 


A big purpose that I have is to be a role model for these kids in every way I can. Marcel and Yorgina from Jacó Impact are an amazing couple. They work together super well. I’m glad they are part of the Asociacion to help these young people with their physical training. 


I’m blessed to have them on my team. They care about kids and helping the Jaco community. Those are the kind of people I surround myself with.

As someone who grew up in Jaco what are some of the positive things you see in this town that weren’t evident 10 years ago?here are many more work opportunities. Before there weren’t many businesses or places you could find work. 

There is more interest in sports than there was 10 years ago. 

 There are more role models in sports and businesses. 

 There are more churches, organizations, associations and foundations to help people like these youth who I am working with now.


‘I love to work with youth who have a desire to be helped because many years ago I was one of them.’


How has your faith shaped you into the man you are today? 


It has shaped me in every way. Jesus in my life is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Without the faith he has given me, as a gift and the grace of God, it wouldn’t be possible to be the person, the role model, the father and the husband that I am today. 


I believe people have faith in many things but putting your faith in God is the smartest decision you can make. The spiritual hunger that we have only God can satisfy for our good because he loves us. 


Name one personal goal and one professional goal for the rest of this year.


I want to be super fit! Lol. Professionally, I’d like to open my coffee business soon.


As the National Men’s Open Champ of 2019, you are a role model to younger surfers and also your peers. What advice can you give to help encourage and motivate others during tough times? 

There is a lot that Christians want to say and sometimes we even want to judge others. One of the things I do understand is that all of us are on a journey through the world and the purpose and future we have. We need to find that in God because then everything will make sense. My advice to anyone is to find peace with God in your life. If we let God work in our minds and hearts first, then we can start working on our goals and dreams.


Jair Pérez, jacobeño Campeón Nacional de Surf Masculino

Viviendo su fe y sus sueños 

Me encanta trabajar con jóvenes que tienen el deseo de ser ayudados porque hace muchos años yo era uno de ellos”. 


Jair Pérez Quirós es el Campeón Nacional de Surf Masculino de 2019 en Costa Rica. Es de playa Jacó y ha pasado toda su vida en la creciente ciudad playera donde también aprendió a surfear. 


Pérez recientemente creó la Asociación Deportiva de Surf de Garabito (ADSG). Una organización enfocada en ayudar a la juventud, enseñándoles disciplina a través del entrenamiento físico y espiritual. Se da prioridad a aquellos que carecen de las ventajas que disfrutan otros jóvenes, especialmente en el aspecto económico.


Jair también ha estado ayudando, sirviendo y entregando comida a muchas personas de la comunidad afectadas por la pandemia. Ser cristiano es lo que lo define primero antes que cualquier otro papel que desempeñe. Nos pusimos al día con el campeón recientemente para descubrir qué lo motiva y cómo está viviendo su fe y sus sueños.


Describe un día típico de tu vida. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las rutinas y disciplinas que incluyes cada día? 


Lo primero que hago cuando me despierto es hacer un poco de café. Luego rezo, leo y medito sobre lo que he leído. Si las olas están buenas, voy a surfear. Si no, haré algunas tareas domésticas o voy a ver el océano. Aunque no surfee, me encanta ver el océano.


Recientemente comenzó la Asociación Deportiva de Surf de Garabito. Describa el trabajo que hace con los chicos y por qué siente una conexión con ellos. 


Comencé la Asociación Deportiva de Surf de Garabito con la visión de ayudar a los chicos de la comunidad a tener herramientas para sus vidas y también para guiarlos. Es importante que sepan que la vida es mucho más que los deportes, el dinero o la fama. Les enseño quién es Jesús y por qué es importante tener a Dios en nuestras vidas.  


Me encanta trabajar con jóvenes que tienen el deseo de ser ayudados porque hace muchos años yo era uno de ellos. Crecí en las calles de Jacó. Siempre tuve gente en mi camino que hizo lo mismo por mí, así que ahora es mi tiempo para devolver un poco de lo que se me dio.


Un gran propósito que tengo es ser un modelo a seguir para estos chicos en todo lo que pueda. Marcel y Yorgina de Impacto Jacó son una pareja increíble, trabajan juntos muy

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