How to Open a Costa Rican Bank Account SP/EN
Aperturas de cuentas bancarias (English below)
Requisitos para extranjeros
(Residentes y no residentes)
Banco de Costa Rica
Original del documento de identificación en buen estado y vigente tanto para el dueño de la cuenta como los autorizados. El BCR considera documentos de identificación para personas extranjeras los siguientes:
- DIMEX (cédula de residencia vigente)
- Carné de refugiado vigente
- Pasaporte vigente
Residente temporal y/o permanente: Debe aportar la autorización de Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería como parte de la verificación de procedencia de los fondos. Descripción de la fuente u origen de los fondos que justifican las transacciones a realizar, por ejemplo: salario, honorarios, operación del negocio, herencia, rentas, entre otros; esta información debe estar respaldada mediante constancias de salario y/o órdenes patronales (únicamente asalariados), certificaciones de ingresos de Contador Público Autorizado (no asalariados).
Extranjero no residente (turista): Con pasaporte y sello de entrada al país vigente, se le pide que demuestre algún tipo de arraigo al país para poder abrir cuenta, por ejemplo, una propiedad en el país o familia costarricense. Si los ingresos del extranjero son superiores a dos salarios base estipulados por SUGEF que vienen siendo alrededor de US$1800 dólares, debe presentar algún documento que demuestre el origen de los ingresos.
En principio, cuando los fondos provengan del extranjero se solicitan los documentos equivalentes los cuales deben de ser consularizados o apostillados. Sin embargo no será necesario su apostillado: las referencias bancarias, estados de cuentas, y declaración de impuestos del país de origen. Los documentos deben contener los siguientes datos:
- Nombre del patrono o naturaleza de sus negocios si trabaja en lo propio
- Monto de ingresos que percibe
- Profesión y ocupación
Se exime de presentar los documentos descritos en el punto anterior, si el solicitante percibe ingresos o realiza transacciones mensuales inferiores a dos salarios base; o de un salario base en el caso de las remesadoras (según lo establecido la Ley 7337), en colones o su equivalente en otra moneda.
Cuando se modifique el patrón transaccional o aumente el monto mensual por encima del límite establecido, debe aportar la documentación que respalde el nuevo patrón transaccional.
Es importante señalar que cada oficina o sucursal del BCR, podría solicitar documentos o requisitos extras, según sea el caso, con el fin de dar mayor seguridad a la solicitud de apertura.
Requisitos adicionales para una cuenta corriente
- Depósito inicial establecido por el banco según el tipo de moneda de la cuenta (¢50.000 colones, US$500 dólares o €100 euros).
- Ingreso salarial mínimo de US$1,000.00, mensuales o su equivalente en colones.
Los requisitos correspondientes al monto mínimo de ingresos salariales podrían no aplicar en caso de que el solicitante sea un cliente conocido por el Banco y justificado así por el gerente de oficina.
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica
Original del documento de identificación en buen estado y vigente, según sea los siguientes casos.
Extranjero residente temporal y/o permanente: DIMEX o DIDI (para el caso de diplomáticos)
Extranjeros no residentes (turista) o personas en condiciones especiales: pasaporte con vigencia y autorización de permanencia al país (este es el sello que la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería le estampa en el pasaporte y que tiene la fecha de permiso de permanencia al país).
Verificación de ingresos
Documento que indique el origen de los ingresos para cuentas con movimientos mensuales superiores a los US$1000 (mil dólares). Algunos ejemplos son: Orden patronal, constancia de salario, certificación de ingresos, entre otros.
Condiciones de los documentos a presentar
- Se deberán de cancelar los montos mínimos establecidos al momento de la apertura.
- El documento de identidad debe estar vigente.
- La referencia comercial o bancaria, aplica únicamente para Extranjero que se identifiquen con el pasaporte. Esta referencia, debe ser generada por un cliente del BNCR o bien por un ente financiero que esté brindándole servicios. El cliente indicará la dirección de su residencia mediante declaración jurada a través del formulario de solicitud de la cuenta. En caso de que la dirección sea imprecisa o incongruente, el colaborador del Banco Nacional podrá solicitarle: un verificador del domicilio, por ejemplo un recibo de servicios públicos o privados que indique su residencia, realizar una visita, entre otros.
- En consecuencia a un no residente se le puede abrir una cuenta por el plazo vigente del permiso de permanencia y al vencimiento del mismo (permiso) tendrá un plazo máximo de 1 año para presentar su renovación, caso contrario la cuenta se cierra.
La información se obtuvo del sitio web de cada banco y / o fue proporcionada por un empleado bancario. La información está sujeta a cambios periódicos en su contenido sin previo aviso, para la extensión, mejora, corrección o actualización de los requisitos y no representa una obligación por parte del Banco. GM Attorneys no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la información o su actualización por parte de los Bancos.
How to Open a Costa Rican Bank Account
Whether you are relocating to Costa Rica permanently or staying for an extended vacation under a tourist visa, one of the first things you will want to do is open a Costa Rica bank account. While it is possible to navigate paying bills and withdrawing cash electronically, it can be very inconvenient if you will be in the country for more than a couple of weeks.
Like all countries, Costa Rica has laws in place to regulate banking. This article will explain what those regulations are and provide examples of what two of the major banks require to open bank accounts.**
Banco de Costa Rica
Temporary and/or permanent resident
The requirement for an original and valid identification document, in good condition, applies to both the account owner and any authorized third party. BCR considers the following valid documentation:
- DIMEX (valid resident identification).
- The General Migration and Foreigner Direction authorization may be provided as part of the fund’s origin verification. This is an optional requirement. The most important requirement is for residents to provide valid identification and demonstrate their income as detailed in the point #2 below.
- The opening fund’s source or origin description must justify the transactions to be made. Examples include salaries, fees, business operation, inheritance and rent, among others. This information must be backed up by proof of salary and/or orden patronal (only for salaried individuals) or an Authorized Public Accountant income certification (non-salaried individuals).
Non-resident foreigner (tourist)
The requirement for an original and valid identification document, in good condition, applies to both the account owner and any authorized third party. BCR considers the following valid documentation:
- Valid refugee ID
- Valid passport with permanence authorization (this is the stamp the Migration and Foreign General Direction stamps on the passport and includes the permanence dates allowed in the country)
- Some type of connection to the country must be proven in order to open the account, such as property ownership or Costa Rican family members. There is no requirement for the property to have a minimum value.
- If the foreigner’s income is more than two base salaries as established by Costa Rica’s financial regulatory agency, SUGEF (approximately US $1,800), a document stating the origin of said income must be provided. The income can come from abroad, as long as there is valid proof of the real and legal source of the income.
For both residents and non-resident foreigners, when the funds come from outside of Costa Rica, equivalent documents are requested which must be apostilled. However, the following documents are not required to be apostilled: bank references, bank statements, and tax declarations from the country of origin. The necessary documents must have the following information:
- Patron’s name or nature of the business if self-employed
- Amount of income received
- Profession and occupation
If the applicant receives an income lower than two base salaries, or equivalent to one base salary in the case of remittance (according to Law 7337) in colones or its equivalent in any other currency, they are not obligated to present the previously mentioned documents.
When the “transactional patron” (average amount traded on a customer account) is modified or the monthly amount is raised over the established limit, the documents are required to back up the new transactional patron. There is no maximum amount that non-resident tourists can deposit in a BCR account in their name as long as the source and destination can be evidenced.
It is important to point out that each bank branch office might require additional documents, according to each case, to give the client a higher degree of security.
Additional requirements for an ordinary account
- The initial deposit amount is established by the bank according to the account’s currency: ¢50.000 colones, US $500 dollars or €100 euros. You may open a bank account in either local currency, USD or Euros.
- Minimum monthly salary income of US $1,000, or its equivalent in colones, may be required.
The minimum salary income requirement might not apply if the applicant is a known client and justified as such by the bank’s office manager.
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica
Temporary and/or permanent foreign resident
The requirement for an original and valid identification document, in good condition, applies to both the account owner and any authorized third party. BNCR considers the following valid documentation:
- DIMEX (valid resident identification) or DIDI (for diplomats)
Note: In addition to the valid identification document, as indicated below, if the monthly income is greater than two base salaries, the source of the income must be demonstrated.
Non-resident foreigners (tourists) or individual in special situations
The requirement for an original and valid identification document, in good condition, applies to both the account owner and any authorized third party. BNCR considers the following valid documentation:
- Valid refugee ID
- Valid passport with permanence authorization (this is the stamp the Migration and Foreign General Direction stamps on the passport and includes the permanence dates allowed in the country)
- Income verification is needed if the foreigner’s income is more than two base salaries as established by SUGEF (approximately US $1,800). Examples of a document stating the origin of said income include orden patronal, proof of salary (for salaried individuals) and income certification, among others.
- Minimum amounts must be paid during the opening of the account.
- The requirement for a commercial or banking reference applies only to foreigners who identify themselves with their passport. This reference must be generated by a BNCR customer or by a financial entity they are working with.
- Clients must indicate their home address through a sworn declaration with the account solicitude form. In case the address is not precise (many residences do not have an official street address), the National Bank collaborator may ask for a domicile verifier such as a public or private services receipt indicating their residence.
Consequently, non-residents can have an account opened for the current term of their residence permit. When that term expires, they will have a maximum period of one year to present their renewal; otherwise, the account will be closed.
Insider tip for banking generally
You are not able to deposit money through an ATM in Costa Rica. That is one reason why many transactions must be conducted in person at the bank. Give yourself plenty of time when making a visit. Banks have a “pull-a-number” system to handle the volume of customers. A visit can sometimes take more than an hour depending on the crowds.
Navigating Costa Rican banking can be a challenging situation, especially if Spanish is not your native language. We are at your service to assist with understanding the regulations and legal document requirements. Contact us at
** Information for this article was obtained from the website of each bank and/or provided by a bank clerk. The information is subject to routine changes in content without prior notice for the extension, improvement, correction or updating of requirements. It does not represent an obligation on the part of the bank. GM Attorneys assumes no liability for the information.