All Things New
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
— Mark Twain
It’s arrived — 2018 … all things new. A clean slate, so to speak, as we enter another 365 days of challenges, surprises and of course obstacles that we will have to avoid or deal with. It is good to let 2017 slide into the sunset and be released from its fingers still trying to grip us. Look forward, not backwards, but don’t forget.
We have a unique and tight-knit community, coming together for many causes that arise during the year. From the groups taking care of animals to those helping victims of last year’s wild storms and others in need, I applaud your dedication and efforts to make someone else’s life better. Many are unsung heroes we don’t even know because they don’t blow their own horn. Their good deeds are done in response to others’ genuine need, not the need for publicity. We, as a publication of the community, will continue trying to make all aware of the issues and people tackling the causes.
It’s high season and the tourists keep coming. Be prepared, put your best foot forward and welcome them with open arms. We rely on tourists to give us a healthy economy and sustain the way we want to live here. It is up to all of us to make our community. Each of us can make our place wonderful. If you see someone who looks lost, stop and give them a hand. I have met so many interesting people just by asking where they are from and if they are having the adventure that they expected. It is nice to chat and learn from others; everyone has a story to tell.
Costa Rica brings this to bear as a place with something for everyone. Embracing the adventure is what we are focusing on as we move forward. Around almost every curve in the road is a vista that makes you want to stop and take in its beauty.
From the oceans to the volcanoes and the high peaks in the mid-country, take the time to see as much as you can. The adventures offered by tour groups in many parts of the country are amazing. Ziplining is a very popular way to get an adrenaline rush. Zipline companies have systems in place that allow thrill seekers of all ages to enjoy. Whitewater rafting is another fantastic sport here, with lots of river flow sites for all levels of challenge. Horseback riding takes you into areas that you would not be able to travel on foot, while ATVs are another great way to navigate rough terrain. Fishing and sailing excursions are a wonderful way to spend the day or evening, offering some breathtaking views of the shoreline beauty that has not be destroyed by overbuilding.
Costa Rica’s wildlife is abundant, with almost unlimited opportunities for enjoying animals in their natural habitat and in sanctuaries set up for tourists. Take a hike, ideally with a tour guide who knows the area and knows where to look for some of the country’s more elusive creatures. Diving or snorkeling to observe the magnificent marine life is also a must. The oceans are clear and are teeming with life. On land or in the water, being respectful of our wildlife is all that is asked in return for the human privilege of being in their midst.
If you are here for an active adventure or just to sit on the beach and recharge your battery, we want you to enjoy Costa Rica and discover why so many of us have chosen this as our home. Seeing the whole country and its diversity is sure to amaze you and make you want to come back.