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Costa Rican-born producer, photographer, artist and filmmaker Mario Peraza is one of Latin America’s most prominent voices. His imagery captures dreamlike sequences that sing of the surreal.

Peraza’s clients span the gaamut of film, fashion, music, art and charitable giving industries. Regarding the latter, he remains influenced by his country and is a champion for the environment and social initiatives that use culture, dialogue, and sustainable/regenerative design to promote change.

His artwork features the use of repurposed and organic materials that reflect his natural philosophy. Peraza awakens the magic and essence of the human condition balancing strength and fragility. The subject matter of his personal work draws from his own experiences that deal with struggle, loss, inner turmoil as well as celebration, redemption and resolution. He is inspired by the work of Richard Avedon, Man Ray, Henri Cartier, Matthew Barney, Bill Viola, Moebius, Jacek Yerka, Marcel Duchamp and David Lynch.

His imagery is known internationally throughout Latin America and Western and Eastern Europe from corporate advertising to the contemporary art world. Peraza participates in the lecture circuit in Latin America showcasing his work in multimedia events designed to inform, entertain and inspire.

When in Costa Rica, he spends time between his studio and his childhood home near the beaches of Guanacaste.








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