
Marketing Opportunities               

Note: people are searching for holiday vacations, Nov-Jan

A. We have four major publications (click to discover)

  1. Digital – online with interactive features (links to websites, youtube videos) International digital magazine
  2. Audiovisual – all stories are on video, being read with photos, music; ALL ads are in video commercial format Audiovisual digital magazine 
  3. Print – Guanacaste, other regions as supported Regional print magazine
  4. Spanish audiovisual quarterly

B. Marketing terms

  1. Advertorial – tell your story. Like an article. Remains online and is searchable
  2. Display ad – typical ad with photo, logo, contact information, key words
  3. Video commercial – used in the digital and audiovisual editions
  4. Links – all pages include your links (webpage, social media, youtube)

C. Two sizes

  1. One page (8.5 inches wide x 11 inches wide) – you share the spread with another ad or article
  2. Two page spread (17 inches wide x 11 inches wide)  you own the whole spread – the only option for AUDIOVISUAL publications

D. Market reach

  1. Worldwide: 70% North America  20% Costa Rica  10% Europe
  2. Monthly READERS over 100,000
  3. Page reads monthly average 250,000
  4. Howler social media followers 56,000
  5. Magazines hosted on two platforms with over 100 million subscribers (we’re the only Costa Rica English magazine)
  6. WE SHOW YOU how to increase your marketing with our platform

E. Deadlines

  1. Digital Display – 25th of the month
  2. Digital Advertorial – 21st of the month
  3. Print: ask for deadlines

Click here to contact us for more information.

Oportunidades de marketing

Nota: la gente busca las vacaciones de noviembre a enero

A. Tenemos cuatro publicaciones principales (haga clic para descubrirlas)

Digital – en línea con características interactivas (enlaces a sitios web, videos de youtube) Revista digital internacional
Audiovisual – todas las historias están en video, siendo leídas con fotos, música; TODOS los anuncios están en formato de video comercial Revista digital audiovisual
Impreso – Guanacaste, otras regiones según apoyo Revista impresa regional
Trimestral audiovisual en español

B. Términos de marketing

Advertorial – cuente su historia. Como un artículo. Permanece en línea y se puede buscar.
Anuncio en pantalla – anuncio típico con foto, logotipo, información de contacto y palabras clave
Anuncio en vídeo – se utiliza en las ediciones digitales y audiovisuales
Enlaces – todas las páginas incluyen sus enlaces (página web, redes sociales, youtube)

C. Dos tamaños

Una página (8,5 pulgadas de ancho x 11 pulgadas de ancho) – usted comparte la extensión con otro anuncio o artículo
Dos páginas (17 pulgadas de ancho x 11 pulgadas de ancho) – usted es dueño de toda la extensión – la única opción para las publicaciones AUDIOVISUALES

D. Alcance del mercado

En todo el mundo: 70% Norteamérica 20% Costa Rica 10% Europa
Lectores mensuales de más de 100.000
Promedio mensual de lecturas de la página 250.000
Seguidores de Howler en las redes sociales 56.000
Revistas alojadas en dos plataformas con más de 100 millones de suscriptores (somos la única revista en inglés de Costa Rica)
TE MOSTRAMOS cómo aumentar tu marketing con nuestra plataforma

E. Fechas límite

Display digital – 25 del mes
Anuncio digital – 21 del mes
Impresión: pregunte por los plazos

Haga clic aquí para ponerse en contacto con nosotros y obtener má

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Advertorials Are the #1 Opportunity

People want to know YOU, your values, track-record, commitment to exceptional customer service and history.

Key component of marketing is “which need does your product provide an option for a solution?”.

So sharing your story in an advertorial, plus your ad design can combine to maximize your investment.

Ads remain in the EMAG but they are not searchable in our database. Your story is an article and it is searchable.

Your ad is placed at the bottom of your page.

Advertorials are coupled with your ad, which means it’s online also. See this example (click on the page to see their advertorials)

We have designers for your ads, videos and social media posts.

Click here to discover the variety of branding tools we can create for you.

Like interactive videos, animation, audiovisual stories, display ads and more.

You’ve seen the airline’s magazines? A few of their pages, then various articles?

Now you can design the same!



  • Present all of your business in ONE resource (electronically/printed) for your clientele.
  • Providing them articles of interest about Costa Rica. Such as travel and adventure, wildlife, arts, culture, entertainment, surfing, health, etc.

Click here to learn more

The really dynamic aspect of Howler marketing is when our advertising partners send their ad page link out on their email database and social networks. They are reminding their audience about THEM and Costa Rica. Instead of the same old monthly newsletter that recycles the reader to the same material, now they have more to discover about Costa Rica.

Imagine…your ad page will be seen by a whole NEW AUDIENCE by being in Howler. That’s one of main goals,

1st: staying engage with your existing audience

#2: identifying new audiences to intersect

The worldwide web is filled with searches for vacations, second homes, holiday excursions, retirement locations…with Howler, we can answer so many questions about “why Costa Rica”, “which region is your best fit”, “what is this realtor’s values” and “where can we go”.

We’ve returned to print in regions where local businesses support it. Even offer our small communities opportunities to join together on one page to promote their beach town.

We’ve hosted pet rescues, food donation endeavors and other community events.

We’ve promoted “good news” during a time of rage, mistrust, uncertainty and disillusionment. We refuse to enter the negative atmosphere that seems to tidal wave our daily lives while online.

Howler has a commitment: to keep innovating and polishing our platform that provide an opportunity for business to maximize their branding investment. While disseminating an excellent publication with a variety of articles with beautiful photos, capturing videos and professional journalism.

Marketing…can you afford not to do it? When you do, what is the result you are seeking? We’ll be glad to visit with you to review your strategy and show you how Howler can be cornerstone in your endeavor.

  1. We send your magazine ad page link to you when published.
  2. You include in your monthly newsletter with, “see our new feature” and hyperlink the ad page
  3. Include a couple of links to stories you like in the magazine
  4. This provides your audience with a supersized monthly newsletter that they will keep open and utilize far more than the typical “hi, how are you, see you soon” email.
  5. Post the link on all your social networks and company email signature.
  6. We work with you AFTER the sale to ensure you maximize your marketing
The same high-quality production as our print edition.

Great content featuring travel, adventures, lifestyle, business, real estate and more.

Incredible pricing offer for full and ½ page marketing.

See our online issue – click here.

  1. We can include your video on your ad, plus links to your website and social media.
  2. When each advertiser shares the eMagazine link on their newsletter, emails & social networks…your ad intersects hundreds of thousands world-wide!

*Other customizable options available.

Contact your marketing rep.

La misma producción de alta calidad que nuestra edición impresa.

Gran contenido con viajes, aventuras, estilo de vida, negocios, bienes raíces y más.

Increíble oferta de precios para marketing de páginas completas y de 1/2 página.

Vea nuestro problema en línea – haga clic aquí.

  1. Podemos incluir su video en su anuncio, además de enlaces a su sitio web y redes sociales.
  1. Cuando cada anunciante comparte el enlace de eMagazine en su boletín de noticias, correos electrónicos y redes sociales… su anuncio se cruza con cientos de miles de personas en todo el mundo!

*Otras opciones personalizables disponibles.

Póngase en contacto con su representante de marketing.

  1. All ads are provided to us by the 20th, payment in full.

Ad must be high quality pdf format.

You provide the links for website/social networking sites and video (full page only) you want included in your ad.

  1. When you re-open we will publish your information on ALL platforms. This offer is ONLY for those businesses who start with May’s issue.
  2.  We will provide you with:
  • link to the online magazine
  • “how to” on social marketing, putting it on webpage, etc – if needed
  • the issue’s gif video download
  • other tips on how to gain the most exposure
  1. Your ad is being seen by thousands who already live here, have property here, vacation here or who are interested in Costa Rica. Therefore, the market is already narrowed down for best return on the investment.
  2. If you need a graphic artist, videographer, we have referrals. This fee is not associated with Howler.
  3. We will provide tracking results at the end of the month.
  1. Todos los anuncios se nos proporcionan antes del día 20, pago en su totalidad.

El anuncio debe ser en formato pdf de alta calidad.

Usted proporciona los enlaces para sitios web/redes sociales y vídeo (solo página completa) que desea incluir en su anuncio.

  1. Cuando vuelva a abrir, publicaremos su información en TODAS las plataformas. Esta oferta es SOLO para aquellos negocios que comienzan con el número de mayo.
  2. Le proporcionaremos:
  • enlace a la revista en línea
  • “cómo” en marketing social, ponerlo en la página web, etc – si es necesario
  • descarga de vídeo gif del problema
  • otros consejos sobre cómo obtener la mayor cantidad de exposición

4. Su anuncio está siendo visto por miles de personas que ya viven aquí, tienen propiedades aquí, vacaciones aquí o que están interesados en Costa Rica. Por lo tanto, el mercado ya está reducido para obtener el mejor retorno de la inversión.

  1. Si necesita un artista gráfico, un camarógrafo, tenemos referencias. Esta tarifa no está asociada con Howler.
  2. Proporcionaremos resultados de seguimiento al final del mes.

The Howler magazine, since 1996, is the original English print publication for the Guanacaste “Gold Coast”. The Howler is a strong brand that is now modernized for the 21st century marketplace, with both print and online formats.

The Howler is a keeper magazine! Our audience is loyal and anticipates the next issue. Local English speakers and thousands of tourists every month continue to turn to The Howler for a few laughs, interesting insights, and to learn more about the area and the local culture.

The magazine is free to readers, which makes its dissemination easy. We make sure it’s readily available in multiple locales in all the local small towns around to maximize our readership. When they see it, most people tend to pick up a copy for themselves. This means our advertisers enjoy a wide and varied audience.

And, because it’s a keeper magazine and eye-catching enough for people to not toss out with the newspapers, any ad you place can potentially keep bringing in new clients and customers for months or even years to come.

The Magazine was recently purchased with the objective of significantly expanding its local, national and international audience and distribution. Our web presence,, is built to drive trac and cater to a loyal local following as well as international audiences seeking information about Costa Rica.


It is in every business’s best interest to advertise in whatever way works with their audience. Social media marketing, inbound content marketing, and even print marketing are all equally useful if your audience responds positively to the channel. Of course, to judge the effectiveness of your campaign, it is also important to track your return on investment (ROI) to know which channel is most effective and where improvements can be made.

Tracking the ROI of your marketing tells you how many clients you are earning through each method of marketing. And how many of those turned into paying customers to return your investment in marketing. Because ROI tracking is a highly technical analysis, many brands get the mistaken idea that tracking print marketing is difficult to do. The good news is that those brands are wrong. It’s easy to track your ROI from print marketing and determine exactly how many readers or mail recipients have signed up and converted to customers. Today, we’ll be showing you how to do this in 4 easy ways.

1)Embed QR Codes into Your Print Marketing

QR codes are phone-scannable patterns that transition digital print marketing directly into a website visit or even a mobile app download. You’ve no doubt seen them everywhere; they are the squiggly pixel-squares now on every restaurant table sign, flyer, and cereal box in the country, along with pretty much everywhere else. When a recipient of your print marketing scans the QR code with their phone, not only does it take them to a custom landing page on their mobile device, it also pings your analytics to tell you that a print marketing piece just won you a lead.

2) Provide Unique Coupons and Vouchers

Then there are deals and opportunities. If you intend to entice print media readers with discounts, then provide them with coupons and vouchers that sport a unique individual code. Each time a coupon is used, you’ll know not only that a printed marketing tactic worked but also which exact printed marketing tactic and possibly even the specific printing. Whether the coupons are good in-store or for online purchases, their unique codes will help you track the ROI of the print marketing they came from.

3) Send Customers to a Unique Landing Page with UTM Tags

Unique landing pages are another way to track your success with print marketing. No doubt, your print marketing will let readers know what website to visit to further explore whatever deal or opportunity you were advertising. When they punch in the URL provided, if it contains UTM codes, you’ll know exactly who and which print marketing tactic provided the lead. UTM tags are special addendums to a URL that sends a message to Google Analytics telling it where the lead on the landing page came from.

4) Ask for Direct Feedback in Return for Rewards

Finally, you can always just ask your clients when they jump online. A quick “Hey how did you hear about us?” will often get you the information you’re looking for about marketing channel ROI. But even more reliably, offer them a reward for more detailed feedback. Provide discount codes or special offers on desirable products or freebies in return for a quick ROI survey. Or your print marketing itself can take care of this by letting readers know that, should they hop online and buy with their printed code, they will get a complimentary discount for sharing their feedback.

When done correctly, print advertising and digital advertising can go hand-in-hand. One can easily support the other and print media can be great for channeling leads to your website and full-funnel online conversions. For more insights into combining traditional advertising with your online marketing campaign, contact AdCellerant today!

Our Commitment: The Howler Magazine is Costa Rica’s leading source of information. Representing ALL of Costa Rica to a worldwide audience.

2021 Update:

Marketing is always a challenging endeavor. During the last few months, we’ve witnessed a variety of approaches by businesses. From the “we’re not doing anything till 2021” to the “we have got to stay in front of our audience.”

Fortunately, tough times can make or break you. At Howler, we’ve maximized all opportunities to improve, innovate and design effective strategies for our business partners.

We never missed a month of promoting Costa Rica and our business partners. The Howler of March 2020 is not the same creature for October 2020. We endeavor to provide the best high-quality publication for our readers worldwide. As you can imagine, online readership skyrocketed during this season. We averaged over 40,000 reads each month. Thanks to tracking analytics,  60% of the readers were in North America, 19% Costa Rica, the rest worldwide.

But we continue to identify more platforms to increase readership. As you know, social network followers may be a lot, but the actual “active” followers is a different number. So we’re increased our social networking to expand across more groups and mediums. For example, Howler is hosted on both Issuu and Press Reader. The subscriber base is over 100 million on those two platforms. Do a search and see how many English Costa Rica publications you’ll find on those avenues.

This month we launch our quarterly Spanish issue. We’ll be marketing it on social media in the San Jose/Central Valley region…why not…70% of the Costa Rica population are located there!

We’re producing personalized business magazines for real estate and resorts. We combine their information with a variety of Howler articles. Imagine going to a resort and receiving their magazine link…menus, spa schedule, local tours – all at the touch of your fingers. Watch a video of the owner welcoming you or review the local attractions.