
Spanish Financial Terms

Here is a list of some important words in Spanish for banking, taxes and other financial transactions.

account — cuenta

accountant — el contador/la contadora

accounting — contabilidad

asset — activo 

ATM — cajero automático

(account) balance —  saldo (de cuenta)

bank — banco

cash — efectivo

check — cheque

checking account — cuenta corriente

credit — crédito

date — fecha

debit —  débito

debt — deuda

(make a) deposit — hacer un depósito

digital receipt (electronic invoice) — factura digital (now required under Costa Rican law)

exchange rate in dollars — cambio del dólar

fiscal year — año/ejercicio fiscal

funds — fondos

interests — intereses

loan — préstamo 

money — dinero

property or real estate — inmobiliario

savings account — caja/cuenta de ahorros 

signature — firma

(account) statement — estado (de cuenta)

tax — impuesto

tax office (ministry) — Ministerio de Hacienda (where you register to pay taxes; only a passport number is required)

Practice your Spanish with these financial terms.