Eat Well

Eat Well: Chewing Your Food Properly

Eat Well: Chewing Your Food Properly

Chewing Your Food Properly: Good Reasons to Heed Grandma’s Advice.   I’m curious about the response to my last Howler article, in the June 2019 issue: “Four Ingred

Kombucha: Nature’s Magic Mixture

Kombucha: Nature’s Magic Mixture

Kombucha: Nature’s Magic Mixture.  Kombucha is an ancient health drink made from tea fermented with sugar. It’s an outcome of nature’s seemingly magical fermentation pr

Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health

Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health

Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health.  Speaking as a holistic health coach, I am about to get extremely transparent about the things you might be eating

Six Costa Rica Superfoods: nutrient-dense food

Six Costa Rica Superfoods: nutrient-dense food

Costa Rica Superfoods: nutrient-dense food: Costa Rica bursts with what many modern nutritionists refer to as superfoods, which are especially nutrient-dense and are believed
