Author: Marian Paniagua

Yogapedia: Balasana Child’s Pose

Balasana, or child’s pose, is a yoga posture that offers physical and mental relief for many practitioners. As a calming posture, it provides a feeling of being held and sup

Conscious Parenting: Children Don’t Do What You Say, They Do What You Do

Conscious Parenting: Children Don’t Do What You Say, They Do What You Do.  The best teacher I have had as an adult to learn about leadership, and the quality of presence in

Yoga Wisdom: Mantras and Affirmations, What You Speak You Become

Om Mani Padme Hum is the above sanscript phrase, a well-loved Buddhist mantra commonly translated as, “The jewel is in the lotus.” Yoga Wisdom: Mantras and Affirma

The Chakras: A Sacred System to Help Navigate Our Emotions

Yoga is a compassionate and wise practice. It has a very subtle way of dismantling any mental constructs based on false beliefs that provoke unease and disease. It offers gent

Bhujangasana Cobra Pose – Yogapedia

Bhujangasana, or cobra pose, owes its name to the cobra snake and the position it adopts when attacking. As one of the most classic and fundamental yoga positions, it is commo

Military Makeovers Honor Culture of Peace

Blessed the Costa Rican mother who knows, when giving birth, that her son will never be a soldier.” That’s what Ryoichi Sasakawa, a Japanese politician and philanthropist,

Creativity and Consciousness: Silence is Key

Creativity and Consciousness: Silence is Key.  We live in potent times, when unrelenting stimuli can make our mental world a crowded and noisy place. We experience it in diff

Mindfulness: A Mental Diet for Your Body to Heal

A Mental Diet for Your Body to Heal: The mind is a powerful tool for creating the experiences we choose in life. It is said that everything in life exists twice — first in

Yoga in Breast Cancer Care: It can make a difference

Yoga in Breast Cancer Care – It can make a difference: Regular practitioners of yoga attest to its positive impact on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well

Savasana Corpse Pose – Yogapedia

This posture is named the corpse pose for two reasons. From a physical perspective, your body will remain stationary without moving for a period of time. From a spiritual pers
