Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health

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Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health

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Wellness: Four Ingredients to Avoid to Regain Your Health.  Speaking as a holistic health coach, I am about to get extremely transparent about the things you might be eating that can create lots of problems you aren’t even aware of. We’re going to focus on four ingredients and some reasons to consider avoiding them.

I want to start by asking you one question: Isn’t your HEALTH the most important factor in determining your quality of LIFE?

Take your time… close your eyes for a minute and really sit with this question.

Now, let’s go to work!

1. Sugar

avoid-sugar-costa-ricaHey! You´ve probably heard this too many times, but bear with me. There is a reason why sugar is the number one ingredient that creates health problems. It is found in virtually ANY packaged, canned or processed food from the supermarket. What I want you to remember are two things: sugar creates inflammation in your body AND is 10 times more addictive than cocaine. That makes it the perfect killer match!

There is a reason why sugar is
the number one ingredient
that creates health problems.


How can this be possible? Think about this truth: your gut is your second brain and the main location of your immune system. When you consume loads of sugar, your gut bacteria will shift, depending on what you eat. So-called ¨bad¨ bacteria then feasts on this sugar and overpopulates your gut, knocking that environment out of balance and directly affecting our immune system response. Also, candida yeast will party on with the sugar, creating problems related to chronic inflammation. There’s a negative ripple effect throughout the rest of your body.

2. Dairy

The quality of dairy ingredients you consume is crucial. Ideally, they come from an animal raised in a pasture finished and ethically treated for disease. When I was in vet school I learned that 99 percent of milk-producing animals are treated on a regular basis with hormone protocols. (This was my thesis topic.) Antibiotics, dewormers and other medications are used to treat the effects of unbalanced nutrition. Commonly, the majority of animals used for milk are in a state called subclinical acidosis due to the grain diet they are fed to increase milk production, whereas in avoid-dairy-costa-ricanature, they would consume mostly grass. Since the unnatural grain diet provokes various health issues in these animals, it affects the milk they produce. It means we are typically drinking milk and consuming other milk-derived products from sub-clinically sick cows in a state of acidosis.

In addition, dairy products increase your body’s production of mucus, which can aggravate symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, bloating, excessive mucus, skin issues and other conditions.

3. Gluten

avoid-glutenConsider that a significant proportion of grains nowadays are genetically modified, so our body can tend to overreact to these altered wheat components once they are in our gut. Many people won´t have troublesome symptoms. However, if you suffer from depression, anxiety, brain fog, joint pain, bloating, fatigue, headaches, I encourage you to look into the possibility of a gluten-related cause and do some research. Remember, our gut is our second brain, and if it overreacts to certain foods, the chemical response will affect our mood and other organs in our body.

4. Aspartame

This artificial sweetener (also known as “non-nutritive sweetener,” with no calories) has been associated with increases in weight and waist circumference, and higher incidence of obesity, avoid-aspartamehypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular illness.

My challenge for you this month: If you ever experience any of the symptoms mentioned here, read the ingredient labels for products you are consuming and look for these four ingredients.
