Dental Sealants for a lifelong healthy smile

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Dental Sealants for a lifelong healthy smile

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Dental Sealants for a lifelong healthy smile: Most people are aware that daily flossing and brushing will help prevent tooth decay. But it’s not always easy to access every single tooth surface, especially the larger teeth at the back called molars. Molars have special anatomical features for chewing, which also make them the most common area for bacteria to hide and develop tooth decay.

Think of sealants working
the same way as sunblock.

Dental sealants offer a safe, durable and cost-effective form of extra protection against dental cavities in addition to our dental hygiene routine. The application of thin protective dental coatings helps to seal out cavity-forming plaque and acids.

Think of sealants working the same way as sunblock, which prevents skin damage by acting as a protective boundary against the harmful effects of UV rays.


When bacteria, present in normal microbial flora, interact with leftover food particles, they produce acids that destroy the minerals of your tooth’s enamel, resulting in tooth decay.  Dental sealants act as a barrier against those bacteria and tiny bits of food to prevent acids from attacking your teeth.

Anyone can get sealants, including adults, but children and teenagers are the best candidates.  The earlier you get them the better! A child’s first molar typically appears at around age 6. Sealing these teeth as soon as they appear can keep them cavity-free from the start, helping save time and money in the long run.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, school-age children without sealants have three times more cavities than children with sealants. Sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80 percent in molars.

The sealant application procedure is painless and it takes just a few minutes to apply. The tooth is cleaned and dried before applying a gel on the chewing surface, which helps create a strong bond between the tooth and the sealant. Once the gel has been rinsed off, the dental sealant is placed, in liquid form, and hardened with a special blue light.

Regular dental visits are the best way to keep your sealants in good condition, including reapplication if needed. Keep in mind that this dental treatment is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, but part of a combined approach to keep cavities from forming.

If you are interested in Dental Tourism or getting Dental Implant in Costa Rica:

Dr. Dalia Vargas
Guanacaste Dental
Garden Plaza, Tamarindo Costa Rica
Toll free: 1 866 978 8305
Costa Rica: (506) 2215 5715
or Email:

Be sure to tell Dr. Vargas you found Guanacaste Dental via HOWLER

Guanacaste dental medical tourism costa rica toll free 1 866 978 8305

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