When Dental Implants Go Wrong

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When Dental Implants Go Wrong

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When Dental Implants Go WrongScientific breakthroughs a half-century ago that made dental implants possible also help explain why 100 percent success rates cannot be guaranteed.

Osteointegration (also known as osseointegration) refers to the fusion of an implant surface and bone in the absence of any connective soft tissue. Pioneering research on animals in the early 1940s focused on this occurrence using titanium implants, potentially strong and hard enough for future prosthetic applications.

Two different types of complications
can affect a dental implant:
mechanical and biological. 

Subsequent osteointegration discoveries, including by Sweden’s Dr. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, paved the way for his success with the first human dental implant in 1965. The impact on restorative dentistry, as cited by Brånemark himself in 1983, was revolutionary. Dental implant systems, techniques, materials and indications have advanced so far that prosthetics (full dentures, crowns and bridges), supported by implants, are the number one dental rehabilitation treatment.

The predictability and high success rates accounting for this phenomenon do not mean dental implants are exempt from failure. Implant removal becomes necessary due to the loss of osteointegration. This can occur at any one of numerous stages from the implant’s initial placement, when primary stability is not accomplished, until it is restored with full dentures, bridges or crowns. Various conditions can cause the loss of bone implant contact.


Just like natural teeth plaque will cause inflammation of the gym and bone loss if not removed correctly. Perrimplantis is classified as Early, Moderate and Advanced dependening on clinical signs/symptoms and radiological características.

Two different types of complications can affect a dental implant: mechanical and biological. 

Mechanical complications are directly associated with the implant itself — its components, the implant/prosthesis junction or the ensuing restoration.

Infection of periimplantar tissues is the most frequently occurring biological complication, according to the American Academy of Periodontics. Mucositis periimplantar refers to the inflammation of tissue surrounding the implant without the loss of supporting bone structure. Bleeding or pus are symptoms.

Periimplantitis is a pathological condition associated with plaque, present in tissue surrounding the dental implant. Inflammation of the periimplantar mucosa and loss of supporting bone structure are characteristics.

Periimplantitis progresses in stages — early, moderate and advanced — reflecting the degree of probing depth, bleeding and pus, and the amount of bone loss. Different factors can facilitate the initiation and progression of periimplantar disease.

Periimplantitis. Treatment: explant (removal of the implant). Regeneration of surround hard and soft tissue are considered a palliative treatment.

Risk factors associated with the patient include tobacco use, susceptibility to periodontal complications, and inadequate plaque prevention/control measures.

Implant-related risk factors include bad positioning, incorrect emergency profile, excess cement in the implant-crown junction, poorly contoured prosthetic restoration, absence of the keratinized mucosa, and excessive occlusal force.

Once a patient’s condition is correctly identified, a treatment plan can be determined to stop the progression of periimplantar disease and reintegrate the surrounding tissues and supporting bone structure.

If you are interested in Dental Tourism or getting Dental Implant in Costa Rica:

Dr. Dalia Vargas
Guanacaste Dental
Garden Plaza, Tamarindo Costa Rica
Toll free: 1 866 978 8305
Costa Rica: (506) 2215 5715
or Email:

Be sure to tell Dr. Vargas you found Guanacaste Dental via HOWLER

Guanacaste dental medical tourism costa rica toll free 1 866 978 8305

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