Study of Yoga

The Study of Yoga – Giving Back: Seva

The Study of Yoga – Giving Back: Seva

[vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Spring has sprung here in Guanacaste, and the hoopla of Semana Santa has passed. As we all have fewer v

The Study of Yoga – Living Your Yoga

The Study of Yoga – Living Your Yoga

Beyond the physical postures of a yoga practice, there are the eight limbs of yoga ascribed by a man called Patanjali. The first two of these limbs, the Yamas and Nimyamas, ar

Yoga Headstand: Sirsasana

Yoga Headstand: Sirsasana

Yoga Headstand / Sirsasana: This month, we explore Sirsasana, or yoga headstand. Sirsasana can help balance your endocrine system, bring fresh blood flow to the head, and acti

Ardha Matseyandrasana:  Half Lord of the Fishes

Ardha Matseyandrasana: Half Lord of the Fishes

As legend has it, Matseyandra received the name “Lord of the Fishes” because while he was inside of a fish (he was a fisherman, swallowed whole by a giant fish), he happen

Now Begins the Study of Yoga – Gratitude

Now Begins the Study of Yoga – Gratitude

Recently I had the opportunity to be part of a group where we practiced slowing down our communication with each other. What this gave us was the chance to really hear each ot

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

I especially love helping people find just the right pose that helps them work with something that is a challenge. Two consistent requests I get are for postures that help wit

Now Begins the Study of Yoga

Now Begins the Study of Yoga

There are two main aspects of the pose: a forward bend and a spinal twist. The most important thing to remember in doing this pose is to keep the integrity of those two action
