
Butternut Sage Quinoa

Butternut Sage Quinoa

Back to the soup making, I was sautéing olive oil, garlic, purple onions and sage leaves, in order to make a first flavor layer for my soup and it looked so good I got the gr

Frozen Dark Stormy

Frozen Dark Stormy

TOTAL TIME: 0:05 PREP: 0:05 LEVEL: EASY SERVES: 2 INGREDIENTS 1 can ginger beer 1 tbsp. fresh ginger Juice of 1 lime 2 c. ice 4 oz. dark rum DIRECTIONS In a blender, blend fir

Café del Pueblo Tuna Tartare

Café del Pueblo Tuna Tartare

The ancient people of Europe and Central Asia prepared it as a way to eat fresh tuna, quickly and simply, based basically on cutting the tuna into small pieces and marinating

Urinary System Diseases

Urinary System Diseases

Generally, our clients report: presence of blood in the urine (hematuria), interrupted and weak flow of urine (stranguria), peeing in inappropriate places, perineal licking, f

Your Stars in December

Your Stars in December

ARIES: You get an interesting high voltage dose of energy this month as Jupiter in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries all month and continues through February. Uranus goes into dir

Just Relax….and Learn

Just Relax….and Learn

Leaving out the few whose brains are made for language, the rest need to take a good hard look in the mirror and chill out!!! Whatever you are doing is a million times better

Now Begins the Study of Yoga

Now Begins the Study of Yoga

There are two main aspects of the pose: a forward bend and a spinal twist. The most important thing to remember in doing this pose is to keep the integrity of those two action

The best way to be safe is prevention

The best way to be safe is prevention

The Parvoviral infection is caused by a parvovirus, which can affect adult dogs but usually is found in puppies. It produces two kinds of disease: myocarditis (cardiac muscle

Surf Report November 2016

Surf Report November 2016

And then there’s always Carlos Muñoz of Esterillos. But, last month, the World Surf League (WSL) and former national champion Diego Naranjo of Orange Wave Productions offer

How Waves Are Created

How Waves Are Created

In a 1-week span, there may be a 2-hour window of decent surf with favorable winds, and you better believe that when everything came together, we were out there… We pass
