Author: José Gerardo Suárez Monge

Costa Rica Holiday Traditions Never Get Tiresome

Costa Rica Holiday Traditions Never Get Tiresome: Some things never change about Christmas, while others do over time. Either way, the year-end holidays in Costa Rica — “f

Costa Rican Army Abolished: History in Photos

Costa Rican Army Abolished: The Costa Rican army was abolished by President José Figueres in December 1948 after a civil war that lasted 44 days and claimed some 2,000 lives.

Soccer in Costa Rica Debut in 1899

Soccer in Costa Rica: The game of soccer was apparently introduced to Costa Rica in 1899, judging from this news item on July 4 of that year in the newspaper La Opinión: &#82

Building A Masterpiece – The National Theater

[vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The National Theater of Costa Rica is the country’s principal theater, located in downtown San José n

Liberia: A Brief History

[vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Liberia Costa Rica, the largest city in Guanacaste, was informally founded on Se
