The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

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The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

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The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need: 2020 is Here. What kind of thought or idea for a New Year’s resolution can be profound and powerful enough to change the life path you walk?

Consider this famous quote by Nikola Tesla: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Basically everything in existence is made out of energy. For example, 99.9999999% of the atoms that compose our body cells are empty space. So the rest of the matter we perceive is in the form of energy.

Our thoughts are also energy. Depending on their nature, they will have a higher or lower frequency, expressed as positive or negative thoughts.

What we regard as common knowledge — learned from the thoughts and ideas of others as shared energy — is that we are largely victims of our genes. Many believe that whatever disease runs in their family is likely to affect them too. But this is not necessarily true. Just because we inherit certain genes that are associated with disease does not mean they will express as our own disease.

Instead, contemplate being able to control which genes are expressed by taking control of your environment, and mainly your thoughts. Put another way, the expression of your personal energy will be influenced by the energy that surrounds you and the energy that comes from your mind.

Need scientific proof? Epigenetics research has revealed that your life and health are undeniably determined by your perceptions and personal beliefs.

Science says

Scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning also show that:

All of your body cells are affected by your thoughts.

Epigenetic effects occur during pregnancy and over the course of a human lifespan.

Epigenetic changes can be reversed.

Different lifestyle choices and environmental exposures can alter DNA and play a role in determining health outcomes.

What this new science tells us is that our genes do not control our lives; we do. We truly are the master of our biology. The time has come for all of us to take back our power.

Here is your most transformational New Year´s resolution ever. Allow yourself to think only loving, compassionate thoughts about yourself. Now that you realize all the cells in your body are responding to your thoughts, it’s time to stop the self-criticism. Love yourself unconditionally.

If you are willing to walk this path of unconditional self-love, you will undeniably make better lifestyle choices. You will always do what is best for yourself. You will change your life.

For your nightstand, I recommend these 2020 must-reads:

“The Biology Of Belief“ by Bruce Lipton

“Dying To Be Me” by Anita Moorjani

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