Embrace New Habits, Not Fads

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Embrace New Habits, Not Fads

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You Too Can Step Into a Healthy Lifestyle: Embrace New Habits, Not Fads. If the words “healthy lifestyle” make you cringe because it sounds just too difficult to accomplish, listen up! As promised in my last Howler article outlining the risks of today’s keto (high-protein) diet craze, I now offer alternatives with a wide range of overall health benefits.

Virtually everyone can make
these safe practices part of their daily routine.


It’s almost impossible to live a fulfilling life if you are overweight, tired every day or sick due to poor health habits. Abundant research has proven that seemingly small lifestyle changes can have a big positive impact on your health and quality of life. Enabling your body to rebalance itself in a gentle but steady manner can achieve significant improvements in these areas and more: weight loss, digestion and gut inflammation, anxiety and depression, migraines, fatigue, and brain fog.

My best health coaching tips consist of these simple, yet powerful, tools:

1. Drink warm lime/lemon tea every morning on an empty stomach. Use a bamboo or glass straw to drink it (to protect your teeth enamel) and wash your mouth with water afterwards.

2. Also every morning, 15 minutes after the lemon tea, drink a full glass of freshly made — with a juicer — organic celery or cucumber juice. Wait 20 minutes before eating breakfast afterwards. (Note: Medical advice is recommended as this may not be suitable for everyone.)

3. Learn about Ayurvedic food combinations — ancient principles for helping our digestive system to be more efficient. Certain foods do not combine well together and actually interfere with digestive functions, in some cases creating more gas, heartburn and indigestion.

Some of the most common “no-no” food combinations are: milk and eggs, milk and bananas, yogurt and fruits, melons and anything else, beans and eggs, and leftovers with freshly cooked food.

4. Stop drinking cold or icy beverages during any meal, as it makes our digestion inefficient. Instead, drink only small amounts of warm cinnamon or ginger tea, or plain room-temperature water. Wait at least 45 minutes after eating to drink large amounts of any liquid, especially cold.

5. Stop eating dairy foods, especially if you have skin issues or hormonal imbalances.

6. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. This is a big one if you want to lose weight.

7. Stop consuming high fructose corn syrup — again, important for weight loss.

8. Eat organic foods.

9. Try a gluten-free, egg-free and dairy-free diet for at least three weeks to reduce gut inflammation.

10. Gluten-free diets are a must-try in cases of anxiety, depression and skin problems.

11. Reduce your consumption of animal products to no more than one serving per day.

12. Do not drink coffee, especially in cases of anxiety, depression and insomnia.

13. Start a daily meditation practice or enhance your existing practice.

14. Practice gratitude — for example, by keeping a gratitude journal or through the Hawaiian healing practice of ho´oponopono.

15. Create true, meaningful connections with other people and nature.

16. Eliminate all chemically or artificially scented products from your house, workplace and vehicle, including air fresheners, candles and perfumes. This is especially advisable if you suffer from migraines, brain fog, nasal congestion or fatigue.

17. Substitute all scented products with high-quality food grade organic essential oils.

18. Make it a strict rule: no bedtime TV.

Virtually everyone can make these safe practices part of their daily routine. Yes, even you!

Also remember that there are no quick fixes or any magic pill. Just as it takes time for your body to show signs of being unwell, you cannot expect immediate results in reversing the process. You are responsible for your own health and that is where the true power lies.
