February 2017 Horoscope

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February 2017 Horoscope

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This month’s major planetary changes involve Jupiter going into retrograde motion on the 6th and staying that way for 4 months. Jupiter’s retrograde period in the sign of Libra generally means one must review behaviors regarding relationships. Venus and Mars will be traveling through Aries together all month and visible in the evening sky after sunset. Saturn will be transiting over the Galactic Center in Sagittarius this month as well. Talk to your astrologer if you want to know what that means for you personally.

ARIES: Mars, your ruling planet, is in your sign this month giving you extra courage, energy and enthusiasm for any project or cause you are engaged in. This is pure warrior energy so put it to constructive use. Venus will also be in your sign on the 4th for the next 2 months so women will be a priority in your life. Instead of competing, try collaborating and experience how much more effective you can be. Your best days are the 1st, 2nd and 28th, but on the 28th you could be accident prone so be careful!

TAURUS: Venus’s position in your house of solitude may find you involved in things that require secrecy, solitude or places of confinement, like ashrams, hospitals or jails. With Mars there as well, you can expect some frustration or limitations to your power this month. Just move slowly and deliberately to avoid self sabotage, which also a possibility at this time. Something in your life is ending over the next 4 months. Days things go your way are the 5th and 6th and take care of your health.

GEMINI: With the majority of planets traveling through the public sectors of your chart, you should be focused on your professional status and how you can effectively influence people. This is a great month to learn something new and get involved in a new cause or social concern. The main message for you is to get actively involved with something important to you. And yes, it’s OK for you to profit from it as well. Great days to make a good impression are the 5th and 6th.

CANCER: With Mars and Venus transiting your public image house, you have a lot of personal energy to devote to your professional advancement. The beginning of the month will go pretty smoothly but the end has some confusion and potential for upset so don’t get reckless with your time or attention. Remain focused on your goal. Things could change rapidly in matters regarding your residence and your career so don’t be too surprised by the changes. Your best days are the 7th and 8th.

LEO: With the Sun, your ruling planet, illuminating your relationship house, you need to focus more on your partnerships, both personal and business-wise. Communication about what you truly believe is warranted at this time as you may not be aware of how you sometimes hide the truth in order to get attention. It’s going to come out by the end of the month so it’s better for you to get ahead of the issue by doing some soul searching and honest exchange of feelings. Best days to do that are the 9th and 10th.

VIRGO: You are entering some new territory this year regarding money, joint assets, and partnerships. There’s some disruptive energy this month as 3 planets bring intense focus on issues regarding insurances, wills, legacies and end of life matters. This energy can also provide you with greater insight into your stand on those matters as well as your partner’s stand. Be careful around the 26th. Good days for you are the 11th, 12th and 13th.

LIBRA: With the current positions of Mars and Venus in Aries you are going through a lot of relationship issues, both personal and in business. This will not be easy but with Venus present, there is hope for some resolution in the midst of the conflict. Watch your words at the end of the month when things are likely to be unstable and volatile as you don’t want to disrupt a delicate situation. Look for ways to collaborate and compromise instead of undermining the other people involved. Your best days for furthering your agenda are the 14th and 15th.

SCORPIO: With this month’s position of Mars, your ruling planet, there needs to be an adjustment in your personal health regimens and work routines. Things are changing in your personal life and that needs to be reflected in your work environment. Maybe you need to give up coffee or something else that may be destructive to your health and well being. In any event, you are the one to determine what positive changes you might make. Best days to reflect on this are the 16th, 17th and before noon on the 18th.

SAGITTARIUS: The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus will cause you to experience some aspects of your past coming back to haunt you. Well, not really haunt but to make an impression about what transpired and what you can now do differently in the present to affect a better outcome in the future. Saturn position in your sign at the Galactic Center will deliver some insights that will benefit you, though they will require some sacrifice on your part. Best days to implement and make peace with this are the 19th and 20th.

CAPRICORN: Good communication is the message for you this month and actually for the next 3 months. It is all personal for you about the message you put out to promote yourself. There’s a push/pull aspect to this as you actively sort out what you like and don’t like about your message. Pay attention to your inner voice as it will tell you what you need to accentuate about yourself right now. It’s a bit disruptive at the end of the month but you can manage it if you keep your ego and temper at bay. Excellent days to express yourself are the 21st, 22nd and before noon on the 23rd.

AQUARIUS: Finances and assets are a major concern for you this month as Venus and Mars transit your house of assets. You are in the process of changing some pretty major things in your belief system that will change how you handle your finances. It will be to your benefit to take some time to ponder the bigger questions about the meaning of your life and how you want to devote your time, energy and dollars to express yourself. Believe it or not, you will enjoy this introspective exercise! Best days to start it are the 23rd, after noon and the 24th and 25th.

PISCES: You have the opportunity to make some substantial changes in how you want the world to perceive you. It is not a total change of persona but it does involve you getting in deeper touch with your personal presentation in the world. Are you really expressing who you are? A makeover might be in order this month to step up your game and show the world who they are really dealing with! Excellent days to do this are the 26th and 27th.


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