
Costa Rica’s medical manufacturing business has become a significant segment of its economy, particularly in the field of medical devices. The sector is home to over 70 companies, including major multinational corporations. These companies have been drawn to Costa Rica due to various incentives, a well-educated workforce, and its strategic geographical location.

Key companies in this sector include global players like Abbott, Bayer, Boston Scientific, Cardinal Health, Edwards Lifesciences, Hologic, Medtronic, Philips, Smith+Nephew, Stryker, and Wright Medical. Many of these companies are among the top exporters in Costa Rica, with exports totaling nearly $2.7 billion in 2019, which represented 73% of the country’s total medical device exports. Other notable companies include Baxter, Allergan, Cooper Medical, and Johnson & Johnson MedTech, which is planning to build a substantial manufacturing facility in Alajuela, Costa Rica​​​​​​.

The range of products manufactured in Costa Rica is extensive and diversified, covering various segments of the medical device industry. Initially, the focus was on disposables, but over time, the sector has expanded to include medical and surgical instruments, therapeutic devices, diagnostic equipment, cardio medical devices, orthopedics, endoscopy, neuromodulation, infusion systems, and optics. This diversification indicates the sector’s growth and its capability to cater to a broad spectrum of medical needs.

Inari Medical, another significant player in this sector, manufactures specialized devices like the ClotTriever and FlowTriever thrombectomy systems for treating deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

The evolution of Costa Rica’s medical device sector from primarily agricultural exports to a more diversified economy focusing on high-tech and service-based sectors, including medical devices, is a testament to the country’s strategic economic planning and investment in education and infrastructure. This shift has positioned Costa Rica as a key player in the medical device manufacturing industry, particularly in Latin America.

The significant growth in the medical device sector began with the investment of Baxter in 1987, followed by other major companies over the years. This growth was further fueled by Costa Rica’s focus on educating its workforce and nurturing high-tech sectors. The country’s investment in these areas, combined with favorable fiscal incentives, has made it an attractive destination for foreign investors in the medical device field.

By 2018, the progress of the medical device sector in Costa Rica was so impressive that medical equipment exports from the country had tripled since 2007. In that year, the life sciences industry surpassed agriculture to become the country’s top export. The total export value of this sector was just under $3 billion, comprising 27% of Costa Rica’s outgoing trade, positioning the country as the second-largest medical device exporter in Latin America, after Mexico.

This sector’s products range from disposables to more complex devices. The country has expanded its manufacturing capabilities to include a balance between disposables, medical and surgical instruments, therapeutic devices, and diagnostic equipment. Cardio medical devices are a significant portion of the exports, but the sector also includes orthopedics, endoscopy, neuromodulation, infusion systems, and optics.

Costa Rica’s medical device sector covers a wide range of needs and has diversified to such an extent that it can cater to almost the entire spectrum of medical requirements. This diversification and growth have not only provided an economic boost but have also positioned Costa Rica as a key player in the global medical device market, with a reputation for quality and innovation.

The country’s success in this sector is a clear reflection of its strategic planning and investment in key areas like education, technology, and infrastructure. It also showcases Costa Rica’s capability to adapt and evolve its economy to meet global demands and trends, making it a prime example of successful economic diversification in a developing country.


Building on Costa Rica’s success in the medical device manufacturing sector, it’s important to understand the broader implications of this achievement for the country and its economy. Costa Rica’s strategic shift towards high-tech industries like medical device manufacturing has not only diversified its economic portfolio but also enhanced its global standing in these sectors.

Economic Impact and Job Creation

The growth of the medical device sector in Costa Rica has had a profound impact on its economy, contributing significantly to the country’s GDP. The influx of multinational companies has led to the creation of thousands of jobs, contributing to economic stability and growth. These jobs aren’t just in manufacturing; they also extend to research and development, quality control, and various administrative and support roles. This employment diversification has provided new opportunities for Costa Rica’s workforce, especially for those with technical and specialized skills.

Educational and Technological Advancement

To meet the demands of this growing sector, Costa Rica has invested heavily in education and training programs, particularly in areas related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Universities and technical institutes have aligned their curricula to meet the industry’s needs, ensuring a steady supply of well-trained professionals. This focus on education has also spurred technological advancements and innovation within the country, further solidifying its position in the global medical device market.

Foreign Investment and Trade Relations

The success of Costa Rica’s medical device sector has attracted considerable foreign investment. This influx of capital has not only boosted the economy but also improved the country’s infrastructure and technology, making it even more attractive to other potential investors and multinational corporations. Moreover, it has strengthened Costa Rica’s trade relations with other countries, particularly with the United States and nations within the European Union, which are key markets for these medical products.

Sustainability and Environmental Considerations

In line with Costa Rica’s commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation, the medical device sector has also adopted eco-friendly practices. Many companies in this sector are implementing sustainable manufacturing processes and are actively working to reduce their environmental footprint. This approach aligns with Costa Rica’s broader environmental policies and helps maintain its reputation as a leader in sustainable practices.

Future Prospects and Challenges

Looking ahead, the future of Costa Rica’s medical device sector appears bright, with potential for continued growth and innovation. However, there are challenges to navigate, including maintaining competitive advantages in a rapidly evolving global market and ensuring continuous improvement in infrastructure and workforce skills.

Costa Rica’s journey in developing its medical device sector is a clear example of how strategic planning, investment in education and technology, and a commitment to sustainable practices can transform an economy. The country’s success in this field is not just an economic triumph but also a testament to its resilience and ability to adapt to global economic trends. As Costa Rica continues to innovate and expand in this sector, it sets a benchmark for other countries looking to diversify and strengthen their economies.


Global Context and Competitive Landscape

Costa Rica’s emergence as a key player in the medical device industry must be viewed within the global context. The industry is highly competitive, with rapid technological advancements and evolving healthcare needs worldwide. Costa Rica’s ability to keep pace with these changes, innovate, and provide high-quality products has been central to its success. However, staying competitive requires ongoing investment in technology, research and development, and workforce training. The challenge for Costa Rica will be to continue evolving with the industry, anticipating market trends, and adapting to changes in healthcare technology and regulations.

Expansion into New Markets and Products

There is also potential for Costa Rica to expand its reach into new markets and develop new product lines. With a solid foundation in manufacturing traditional medical devices, Costa Rica could explore opportunities in emerging areas like digital health, telemedicine, and personalized medical devices. These areas are growing rapidly and offer new avenues for growth and innovation. Additionally, expanding into new geographical markets could further enhance Costa Rica’s export revenues and global presence.

Strengthening the Supply Chain and Local Ecosystem

Another key aspect is strengthening the local supply chain and supporting industries. Developing a robust local supply chain can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall competitiveness of Costa Rica’s medical device sector. Encouraging the growth of local businesses that can provide materials, components, and services to the medical device industry can stimulate broader economic growth and create more job opportunities.

Challenges and Risks

Despite these opportunities, Costa Rica faces challenges, including maintaining a skilled workforce in the face of increasing demand and managing environmental impacts, given the country’s strong commitment to sustainability. Moreover, as the global economy faces uncertainties, such as trade tensions and economic downturns, Costa Rica will need to navigate these challenges carefully to maintain its growth trajectory in the medical device sector.

Costa Rica’s journey in the medical device manufacturing sector serves as a model for economic transformation through strategic planning, investment in technology and education, and commitment to sustainability. As the country looks to the future, its ability to adapt to changing global trends, invest in new technologies, and expand into new markets will be crucial in sustaining and growing its position in the medical device industry. The success story of Costa Rica in this sector is not just about economic gains; it reflects a broader commitment to innovation, sustainability, and global competitiveness, setting a standard for other nations to follow.

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