
Dear entrepreneurs: Let’s welcome February with a positive vibe. A new month brings a unique opportunity to get a new project done. 


This article is for anyone needing to get liberated from carrying heavy baggage on your shoulders. You have a plan, but you feel stuck from moving forward with it.


As a health coach, I always talk about the importance of having balance in your life: being mindful of the way you eat, getting enough hours of sleep, moving your body, doing what you love and trying to love what you do. It seems like a lot, I know. But all are important parts of our life. 


Whenever you feel that your plans are not advancing, you need to pay attention to each part of your life. Look at what’s bothering you and standing in the way of fulfilling your project or objective. We need the feeling of freedom to be productive and successful. 


I want to share my story to give you an example. Starting three months ago, I became unable to perform my daily physical activity. Anyone who knows me is aware of my belief that moving our body helps detox both our body and mind. This creates new energy that allows us to be productive and happy. 


So physical activity is an essential part of my routine. However, I got stuck! I found myself unable to wake up every morning for my walks or runs, as I had been doing for the past three years. 


This became my plan to get unstuck. I encourage you to try the same approach if something similar in your way is blocking any particular objective you want to fulfill.


  • Freedom

You need to get your mind free. Through mindfulness, you can analyze your thoughts to explore what is blocking your way to doing what you want to do. Sit in silence, and pay attention to the ideas in your head. 


If these ideas get you into a dark, uncooperative, fatalistic place, sweep them away. You might keep all thoughts that are constructive, enthusiastic, and encouraging. 


In my own story of being stuck, any plan that I tried for getting up earlier was unsuccessful. So I kept thinking there must be another way to get my physical activity done. I kept my positive thoughts, but gave up on the idea of waking up early because it took my energy away. 


  • Place your plan


Take those constructive ideas and create a plan for implementing them. 


So, I started to look for yoga, pilates and functional training class schedules to know my options. Waking up at 5:30 am was not working for me. 


  • Be enthusiastic


Always add exclamation marks to great new ideas, good results, positive attitudes around you and what you do. Positive feedback encouragingly supports your mindset. 


I came up with the idea that the best time of day for my physical activity is when my kid is in her after-school classes. Yay! I found the perfect time … cheers!


  • Have compassion for yourself 


You are human and can make mistakes. 


“Ok, you,” I said to myself. “If this plan doesn’t work, let’s go for the next project.”


  • Communicate with others like yourself

You are not alone in this world; people like you would like to share and express their thoughts. It will give you accountability. 


Whenever I talked with my friends and colleagues about my desire to start my physical activity again, they shared good information. They gave me positive feedback, and even my idea helped them be mindful of the importance of moving your body.


Resuming, I got stuck trying to keep my healthy routine. Then I got unstuck — free from the idea of waking up at 5:30 am. Now I am trying a new plan to get my physical activity back into my days again. 


This same planning approach can be applied in any area. It will work to your benefit for being productive at work and happy with your personal life. 


Good luck to all of you!


Need some help? You can always write to me at or follow me on Instagram.

See this article in the magazine

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