
Howler Media has been publishing Costa Rica to the world for over 27 years. The premier digital interactive platform that can be translated into 12 languages.  A variety of articles for you to read and share. Thank you to our partners for their support. Over 8 million readers since 2022.

Life under the sea...Manzanillo's rusted relic...Travel insurance...Unlock holiday savings...Bob vs the Jungle...Why paddle boarding...Cairns of Piedra Colorada...Playa Blanca underwater museum...Nicoya's annexation...Diet and hydrogen water ok...Acerola, supercharged vitamin C...real estate updates...making tortillas...octopus recipes...Rosquillas...Scorpions...whale sharks...pelicans... Life under the sea...Manzanillo's rusted relic...Travel insurance...Unlock holiday savings...Bob vs the Jungle...Why paddle boarding...Cairns of Piedra Colorada...Playa Blanca underwater museum...Nicoya's annexation...Diet and hydrogen water ok...Acerola, supercharged vitamin C...real estate updates...making tortillas...octopus recipes...Rosquillas...Scorpions...whale sharks...pelicans...

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The oceans cover over 70% of Earth’s surface, serving as vital components of our ecosystem by regulating temperature, providing food, and producing most of the oxygen we breathe. This connection is critical to human survival, as highlighted by environmental advocate Captain Paul Watson’s warning: “If the oceans die, we die.” This sentiment underscores the severe threat posed by the degradation of marine environments.


A visit to Copey de Dota, part of Costa Rica’s Los Santos region along with the cantons of Tarrazú and León Cortés, reveals its fame for producing some of the world’s highest-rated and awarded coffees. Local shops offer a variety of brands, reflecting the area’s rich coffee culture.


Traveling to Costa Rica promises lush rainforests, stunning beaches, and vibrant wildlife, but it’s essential to secure travel insurance for peace of mind and financial protection against unexpected events.


Surfing in Costa Rica offers more than just riding waves; it’s an opportunity to connect with marine life. Surfers often encounter dolphins and other sea creatures, adding an exhilarating dimension to the experience.


The Playa Blanca Underwater Museum near Playa Herradura, inaugurated in 2022, combines art with marine conservation, attracting scuba and free divers to its unique underwater exhibits.


Costa Rica’s landscapes promote a wholesome lifestyle embodied by the “Pura Vida” philosophy, emphasizing wellness through fresh foods and physical activity.


Living in Costa Rica means enjoying natural beauty and vibrant culture, but ensuring home security is crucial in both urban and rural areas. Here’s a guide to safeguarding your property and loved ones effectively.


Costa Rica is also a prime destination for marine wildlife enthusiasts. Swimming alongside whale sharks (*Rhincodon typus*), the largest fish in the ocean, offers an unforgettable experience with these gentle giants in the country’s coastal waters.