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Top 3 Noise Pollution Agents in Costa

This edition takes this issue UPFRONT.

Based on the search results, the top 3 noise pollution agents in Costa Rica appear to be:

  • Loud music and parties
    Noise from social gatherings, especially late at night, is a significant source of noise pollution in Costa Rica. This includes loud music from bars, restaurants, and private parties.
    Some residents report issues with massive parties at nearby accommodations playing very loud music late into the night
  • Vehicle noise
    Various types of vehicle noise contribute to pollution, including:
  • Loud trucks slowly cruising through neighborhoods blasting advertisements
  • Semi-trucks using jake brakes on nearby highways
  • Motorcycles with loud mufflers roaring through neighborhood streets late at night
  1. Barking dogs
    Late night barking from dogs, described as the “Canine Chorus” by one resident, is mentioned as a common and annoying source of noise pollution in residential areas

While not ranked in the top 3, it’s worth noting that noise pollution is also becoming an issue in natural areas. Studies have found that noise levels in some urban and peri-urban green areas exceed recommended limits

Additionally, road construction near protected areas is altering the natural soundscape due to noise pollution