Costa Rica Destinations

Skybound: Using Costa Rica’s Airstrips

Skybound: Using Costa Rica’s Airstrips

Photo above: Co-piloting this recent flight departure from Liberia was Kyle Berger, a Costa Rican native now working with Air Canada in Toronto. Photo: Luis Felipe Murillo Cas

Finca 6 and The Mystery of the Spheres

Finca 6 and The Mystery of the Spheres

Costa Rica is home to only two protected pre-Colombian archaeological sites, including the larger and better known National Monument of Guayabo. But the less familiar Finca 6

Bus Trip Tips: Ten Pointers for a Smoother Ride

Bus Trip Tips: Ten Pointers for a Smoother Ride

When traveling around Costa Rica on a budget, public transportation is definitely the best option. But there are certain things you simply would not know or could not possibly

Reaching the Highest Peaks in Costa Rica

Reaching the Highest Peaks in Costa Rica

Pictured above: Cerro Chirripo Several of Costa Rica’s highest mountain peaks retain the name they were given by native Americans. They were an integral part of indegenous c

Nine Cool Things To Do in Costa Rica

Nine Cool Things To Do in Costa Rica

When contemplating fun things to do in Costa Rica, you’ve probably heard a lot about ziplining adventures over the cloud forest, horseback riding on white sand beaches o

Adventure Travel Connections

Adventure Travel Connections

When you finally decide to make your first trip to Costa Rica, or even a return visit, the choices of amazing places to go and things to do can be overwhelming. For many, the

Reimagined Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica

Reimagined Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica

Reimagined Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica: Your Perfect Escape. New year, new you? Imagine spending your days doing yoga in the mountains of Costa Rica, overlooking the Pacific

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need: 2020 is Here. What kind of thought or idea for a New Year’s resolution can be profound and powerful enough to change the

A Piece of Heaven in Guanacaste

A Piece of Heaven in Guanacaste

A Piece of Heaven in Guanacaste: Luxurious Spa Day at Los Altos de Eros. There were early hints that my fantasies about a spa day in paradise would fall short of the reality

Santa Clara Rainforest Retreat Treehouse Hotel

Santa Clara Rainforest Retreat Treehouse Hotel

Treehouse Hotel Costa Rica. After being buzzed in at the front gate, I drove up a long driveway lined with dense red flowering ginger bushes. Before even reaching the receptio
