Surf Science

Surf Science: The Papagayo Winds

Surf Science: The Papagayo Winds

As I sit here writing this article sometime in mid-January, powerful gusts of wind rattle the windows of my apartment, and the sound of falling branches on the roof above my h

The Swell Producers of Costa Rica

The Swell Producers of Costa Rica

Waves are nothing more than traveling vessels of energy. Born from strong winds blowing in all corners of the planet, ocean waves traverse thousands of miles through open wate

The Importance of Swell Period

The Importance of Swell Period

As it relates to surfing, we call the distance between 2 consecutive waves ,Swell Period, and it is measured in seconds. So let’s imagine for a moment you are out in the wat

How Waves Are Created

How Waves Are Created

In a 1-week span, there may be a 2-hour window of decent surf with favorable winds, and you better believe that when everything came together, we were out there… We pass
