Author: Tom Schultz

Los Quetzales National Park – Costa Rica’s Shangri-La

Los Quetzales National Park – Costa Rica’s Shangri-La.  Shangri-La, the mythical, magical, cloud-shrouded village hidden high in the mountains, was described in the 1

ECOLONES Costa Rica’s New Incentive for Recycling

ECOLONES Costa Rica’s New Incentive for Recycling.  Anyone who lives in Costa Rica or visits often can appreciate how daunting the problem of solid waste management is here

Costa Rican Vultures: Hey … Somebody Has to Take Out the Garbage!

Dirty, gross, awful… a few words commonly associated with vultures, but in reality anything but the truth. Vultures are an essential part of the ecosystem. They provide a vi

Tenorio Volcano National Park

Tenorio Volcano National Park.  One of Costa Rica’s most amazing attractions is the Rio Celeste, located in the northern region. “Celeste” means heavenly or sky blue, s

Poás Revisited – Two Trips, 10 Years Apart, Equally Memorable

Mother Nature is always surprising us. As we went to print with the March magazine, this article about the newly opened Poás National Park required an update: the volcano eru

Creature Feature: Oropendolas of Costa Rica

Gregarious and loud, their unmistakable calls resembling a crowd of people all gargling at the same time, they are heard before being seen. Oropendolas, the largest member of

Diria National Park: One of Guanacaste’s Least-Known Attractions

Diria National Park: One of Guanacaste’s Least-Known Attractions.  Northern Guanacaste and the Nicoya Peninsula have several well known national parks: the history-rich San

Manuel Antonio: Crown Jewel of National Parks

Manuel Antonio: Crown Jewel of Costa Rica’s National Parks.  To understand why Manuel Antonio National Park is so famous and popular, you need to appreciate its beauty

Costa Rica Motmot Birds – Commonly Odd-Looking

Costa Rica Motmot Birds, Commonly odd-looking: Motmots are proof that common birds are not necessarily common looking. A stunning family of birds — one or more of the six mo

La Cangreja National Park, just a Short Drive from San José

La Cangreja National Park, just a Short Drive from San José: Costa Rica’s national park system, now consisting of 26 parks around the country, did not have a single site in
