Author: Sylvia Monge

Spanish – Seven Motivating Reasons to Start Learning Today!

Everyone needs a bit of motivation now and then, but no one more than a second language learner. The learning curve is steep and the road to fluency is long. Learning a second

Lifestyle Feature – Crown Jewel of San Jose, National Theater of Costa Rica

[vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a New Yorker moving to Costa Rica, I experienced some big changes, but nothing more starkly than the

Spanish: Verbs to Live By

So you are going along learning this word and that, catching phrases, repeating a couple and beginning to understand basic concepts. You have officially leveled up. If you hav

Spanish – Beware of False Friends

[vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. -Prin

Breaking the barriers of learning Spanish

Learning is the one part of life that makes us truly understand the strength of always taking that next step. Learning a second language is a challenge for the majority of the


The one part of learning any Latin-based language that can make you cry Uncle! is the verbs. In English this is not an issue; we don’t conjugate much. In Spanish the verb ch

A pitch of Pura Vida

As the dry season and the high season kick into gear we locals look forward to the arrival of tourists and visitors. As a recovering New Yorker, I love to see the range of lan

The Art of Listening

This hurdle can be a true challenge to overcome. I have students who can do all the leg work of the language but freeze when they have to face a native speaker. These feelings

Just Relax….and Learn

Leaving out the few whose brains are made for language, the rest need to take a good hard look in the mirror and chill out!!! Whatever you are doing is a million times better
