Surf Spot – Ollie’s Point

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Surf Spot – Ollie’s Point

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Ollie’s Point is perhaps one of the most famous places in Costa Rica — if not for the wave, perhaps for its history. This is the place where Oliver North delivered weapons to the Contras (Nicaraguan rebels) at an airstrip just inland from where this wave breaks. Of course, being surfers, we care more about scoring great waves than we do political war history. And thus, Ollie’s Point is also a famous right point break wave, good on bigger swells, a dropping tide and most wind conditions.


Ollie’s Point is only accessible by boat. Get up early, time the tides, swells and wind correctly, and you are guaranteed great waves all day long. You will also get to surf some other really fun waves close by if you ask your captain about them. You will enjoy multiple surf sessions, as well as rest breaks on the boat with your friends, sharing beers, food and good times in between surfing the perfect right point break waves. There are many boat operators in the area, and it’s just a matter of asking around to find one. Typically the trip costs between $300 and $400 for the boat. Split between five friends, it’s an affordable way to get out on the ocean, surf great waves, and see the coastline.

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There is only one wave at Ollie’s Point, and lucky for us it’s a really long and really fun one! Most people will be sitting at the main takeoff spot, near the rocks. However, sometimes it’s best to sit midway down the wave and wait (and hope) for others to fall! You will still get a lot of fun inside waves that way and won’t have to battle with the crowds. The inside section can have great air sections at the end, and is normally fast and rippable.


Ollie’s Point works at all tides. It’s a great place to surf when the wind is sideshore because it’s a protected cove. Low tide provides a more vertical wall for snaps, airs and barrels. High tide makes the wave a bit slower, softer and easier for beginners.

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There is nothing here, so bring your supplies; stock up in Tamarindo or Coco. Find a boat at Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa or ask around in Tamarindo. There are many boat operators in the area. If you want a professional photographer to come with you and get epic shots, contact Chon Fotos at Chon has years of experience taking photos in Ollie’s Point and lives in the area.


I would recommend lots of water, fruit and a couple beers to enjoy after your surf session at Ollie’s Point. Of course, you will need to bring them with you because there are no bars and restaurants here.

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