March 2019 Howler Magazine Editorial

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March 2019 Howler Magazine Editorial

Your Lead Paragrpah goes here

March 2019 Howler Magazine Editorial:  

Howler has spent lots of time over the past couple of years refining our publication with top-shelf writers and designers, making our publication one that is sought out as well as kept, taken home and shared. The support of our advertising community, and our writers and photography partners has been instrumental in propelling us.

In addition to our distribution in Coco, Arenal and the Gold Coast, we recently entered into the San José and Jacó areas as well. Our ever-expanding coverage of Costa Rica conveys that all of Costa Rica makes this country desirable to visit, live and invest in.

The Howler voice
is to inform
readers and bring Costa Rica to life
in a way that makes it not only seem magical but also be a trusted source of solid, credible, current and relevant information.

We have created and forged ahead with our publication, despite rumors from some people that print is dead. Those of you that are reading this from a hard copy of Howler can answer this question: is print dead? Obviously, if the magazine is in your hands and you turned to this page you have just brought our publication to life.

In this day and age of technology, with so many of us facing a computer screen, phone or tablet all day long, it is sometimes refreshing to rest your eyes and hold something tangible in your hands. So many people pick up a fresh copy from the stand and feel the quality with their fingers. Many of them smell it! I laughed when I first observed this. But it’s no secret that people have always just loved the smell of fresh ink. And it’s okay … the ink used to print our magazine is environmentally friendly, as well as the paper.

Something that makes me smile often is hearing people say that they’ve kept all, or many, of the back issues of Howler. It’s gratifying to know our magazine has longevity and is not filling landfills like other throwaway publications with a short shelf life.

Going back to our online screens, many people tend to assume every tourist is on social media and just trolling for information. On the contrary, I have found so many people who are totally unplugged here. They just want to take in what Costa Rica offers and recharge before going back to the grind of their regular life.

We are completely embracing the technical advances on the web as well as social media. The howler monkey is the loudest voice in the forest, so rest assured we will be heard over many platforms moving forward.

Our voice is to inform readers and bring Costa Rica to life in a way that makes it not only seem magical but also be a trusted source of solid, credible, current and relevant information. We maintain professional publication standards, writing on a level appropriate for our readers.

I want to thank you first for picking up the Howler, and then again for spending time reading it, keeping it or passing it on for others to enjoy. We invite you to our website at and hope you enjoy looking through past articles and editions. We want you to “Search — Find — Howl” about visiting and living in Costa Rica … to us and those you know.

