Waves You’ve Missed-June2018

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Waves You’ve Missed-June2018

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Thanks to photographers Jorgelina Agramunt and Esteban Delgado for their contributions to Costa Rica Surfing Waves You’ve Missed.

Surfing Costa Rica Howler magazine Cover June 2018

The first half of 2018 brought with it a fair share of fun waves to Costa Rican Surfing. While there have only been a few very sizable swells so far, the real swell season is only just getting started. Mid-April through mid-May blessed surfers in Costa Rica with plenty of SSW swells that lit up the Pacific coastline. As it is seasonally characteristic, all the swells that did show up this past month were SSW swells averaging three to six feet. Three to six feet of swell looks very different from surf spot to surf spot, as is apparent in Playa Hermosa and Playa Avellenas. While most afternoons the wind did switch to the unfavorable onshore, early morning surfs were often glassy and gorgeous. There were a few days when the wind didn’t really affect the surf too much though, especially further down south.

Alberto Muñoz holding a perfect line in Playa Hermosa on a glassy morning, May 15, 2018. Photo: Esteban Delgado
Esteban Delgado Photographer Bio





Jorgelina Agramunt Photographer Bio

Santa Teresa
Playa Negra
Playa Tamarindo
Playa Dominical
Playa Langosta
Ollie’s Point
Playa Avellanas
Witch’s Rock
Playa Grande

Rubiana Brownell slicing the lip at Palo Seco on May 9, 2018. Photo: Jorgelina Agramunt
Nathan Strom, RVCA advocate, cruising in the shade of a green wave in Avellenas on May 16, 2018. Photo: Jorgelina Agramunt
Pelicans enjoying the surf at Little Hawaii on May 8, 2018. Photo: Jorgelina Agramunt