Bookshelf – Two Poems

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Bookshelf – Two Poems

Your Lead Paragrpah goes here

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Responsible Us

We come from all over the States
Pura vida entwined in our fates.
We say “It’s so dope!”
And build lots of hope.
One by one, we come through the gates.

This beauty is rare to be seen.
Few places remain so pristine.
Yet as we enjoy
We also destroy
Transforming Mom’s gifts once so clean.

We must show respect for what’s here.
Plants, peeps and all wildlife near.
It’s all someone’s home
So our presence—not known!
Our traces should all disappear.

And let us enjoy in good grace
Strong conscience, kind heart and good face.
No mark at all
Is the best of them all.
Sh-shh. Please respect the whole place.

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Turtles’ Rights

I went to the playa to play.
The weather so perfect today!
The scene was serene
No souls to be seen
Only me and my own unique way!

I headed straight into the sea.
No one else there, only just me.
I took off my clothes
Naked down to my toes!
Twists and turns, ups and downs, o yippee!

Then out of nowhere a sight
Entered my view from the right.
Two men headed near
Uniforms and belt gear.
O crap! All exposed in the light.

“Buenos Días” they said, staring full-on by now
Unable to avert their gaze.
“Hola” said I and turned right around
Protecting my skin from their rays.

“Qué hace?” said they, speaking still from behind
Attempting to lure me their way.
“Nada” said I and kept walking along
Attempting to enjoy the day.

Turns out I couldn’t be there, one finally said
Recovered enough for clear speech.
“Closed for the turtles” they told me that day
As they guided me off of the beach.

So much for my play day alone—
I thought the beach I did own!
But I enjoyed the day
In my usual way—
Then got scolded and off the beach thrown.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”full_width”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Welcome to The Howler bookshelf! If you come to know of books we may be interested in publicizing, or if you write creatively and would like The Howler to consider your work for publication, please email:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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